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  • Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy is participating in the Russian Investment Forum

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy is participating in the Russian Investment Forum

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy is participating in the Russian Investment Forum

The Russian Investment Forum, launched today in Sochi, has become an effective platform for active interaction of the federal and regional government authorities with the representatives of business community, heads of major companies from various sectors of the economy and social sphere.


The Russian Investment Forum, launched today in Sochi, has become an effective platform for active interaction of the federal and regional government authorities with the representatives of business community, heads of major companies from various sectors of the economy and social sphere.

As estimated, more than four thousand people will take part in the Forum. The Russian government members, regional leaders and businessmen will discuss increasing investment attractiveness of the regions, implementing competitive investment projects, effective use of public-private partnership mechanisms and measures of state support for import substitution. Also, within the framework of the Russian Investment Forum, agreements which are strategic for the development of the Russian Federation regions will be signed.

The Smolensk delegation headed by Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy is taking part in the work of the main investment platform of the country. The Head of the region is going to sign a number of important documents, including the agreements on implementing major investment projects in the region for a total of more than three billion rubles.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will speak at the plenary session of the Russian Investment Forum “Sochi-2017”, which will be devoted to the priorities of the regional investment policy. It is planned that the Prime Minister will take part in such round table discussions as "Green Economy" as a vector of development" and "Diversification of the defense industry and regional development - a strategy of change", as well as in the award ceremony for the winners of the "Development Award" competition. The award was established by the state corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)". On the same day, the Prime Minister will meet with the representatives of Russian business community.

The program of the plenary sessions of the Forum is built on the three thematic clusters: "New regional policy. Opportunities for development", "Increasing business efficiency. Opportunities for growth", and "Implementing projects for life".

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