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The Tenth Annual Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Technology in Regional Development"

The Tenth Annual Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Technology in Regional Development"

The Tenth Annual Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Technology in Regional Development" was held in the regional center on the basis of the Tenishevs Cultural and Exhibition Center. The opening ceremony was attended by Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District Nikolai Ovsienko, representatives of the business community and executive authorities of the region.


The Tenth Annual Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Technology in Regional Development" was held in the regional center on the basis of the Tenishevs Cultural and Exhibition Center. The opening ceremony was attended by Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District Nikolai Ovsienko, representatives of the business community and executive authorities of the region.

The conference traditionally serves as a platform for discussing topical problems in the hi-tech sphere, which gives the representatives of the government agencies, scientific, expert and business community an opportunity to see new developments, discuss the problems of the information technology development, as well as to work out specific recommendations to solve them. Talks of the experts, specialized exhibitions, exchange of experience and opinions help the participants to orient themselves among the modern achievements of science and information technology, get acquainted with the latest developments and projects.

In his welcoming speech the Governor stressed that is the 10th time when Smolensk region has hosted this Scientific and Practical Conference, which, undoubtedly, is an indicator of the relevance of the IT Forum. According to the Head of the region, the presence of Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the RF in the Central Federal District Nikolai Ovsienko and the heads of the Commissions for Information Security from all the regions of the Central Federal District gives the vent a special status and significance.

The Governor pointed out that last year in Smolensk region the activities aimed at achieving the main target index of the May Decree of the Russian Federation President No. 601 were completed. Currently, the proportion of citizens with access to the state and municipal services on the principle of "one window" in the place of residence, including the multifunctional centers, is 98.5%.

According to Alexey Ostrovskiy, special attention is paid to the problems of information security, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted operation of all the regional management systems. The plans for the current year are to reorganize the telecommunication infrastructure, to increase the security of web-resources of executive authorities and state institutions, including the practice of using products and services of domestic Internet companies.

The issues of information security of the state resources were considered, and the new requirements for technical protection of information were discussed during the conference together with the Directorate of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia in the Central Federal District. In addition, topical threats to information security were identified and specific measures to protect it were determined. 

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