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The Day of Russian Science was celebrated in Smolensk

The Day of Russian Science was celebrated in Smolensk

The A.T. Tvardovsky Regional Universal Library hosted a ceremony dedicated to the Day of Russian Science. 



Support and development of scientific activity in Smolensk region is an integral part of the social-economic policy of the Administration of the region. Scientists of Smolensk region conduct research through budgetary and non-budgetary funding, and actively participate in grant programs of the largest state and non-state foundations and the Education and Science Ministry of the Russian Federation, as well as in various competitions where they achieve high results.

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy supports the projects aimed at promoting talented youth. So, there is the regional stage of the all-Russian program "Participant of the Youth Scientific and Innovative Contest" ("UMNIK") which is held in order to identify talented students, graduate students and young researchers capable of performing scientific, inventive and innovative activities, and the winners of which receive grants in the amount of 400 thousand rubles to carry out their projects. Also, there is the regional annual contest of young scientists and the regional contest of students’ scientific works held in order to increase scientific activity in the youth environment. The winners of the competitions are traditionally awarded cash prizes.

At the end of the event, the best representatives of the scientific community - scientists and teachers of Smolensk universities - were presented with Letters of Appreciation from the Governor, Diplomas from the Administration of Smolensk region and other awards. 

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