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  • Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in laying a memorial alley dedicated to the Year of Ecology

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in laying a memorial alley dedicated to the Year of Ecology

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in laying a memorial alley dedicated to the Year of Ecology

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in laying a memorial alley dedicated to the Year of Ecology and Specially Protected Natural Territories.


Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in laying a memorial alley dedicated to the Year of Ecology and Specially Protected Natural Territories.

In accordance with President Vladimir Putin's Decree, the year 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology and Specially Protected Natural Territories in Russia. In this regard, in all the regions there are events held to raise citizens’ awareness of environmental problems, to preserve existing ecosystems and the diversity of the natural world.

One of these events was laying a memorial Alley in Smolensk. By the way, this is one of the three events of our region included in the all-Russian plan consisting of 168 events of international, all-Russian, and regional scale, approved by the Government of Russia.

Several dozens of limes were planted at the intersection of Tenisheva and Uritsky streets. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in planting the trees.

It should be reminded that a forest-park green belt with an area of ​​388.7 hectares is located on the territory of Krasny Bor and is intended to create a favorable environment for the Smolensk residents.

It should also be noted that the scientific and practical international conference "Sustainable Operation and Development of the Network of Specially Protected Natural Territories in Modern Conditions", which is an event of the federal level, will be held on April 26-27 at the "Smena" sports and fitness complex in Krasny Bor in the framework of the first ecological forum "Ecology of Smolensk region".

In addition, an ecological path will be created in Sychevka and Gagarin districts and it will pass through the territories of the complex landscape reserve of regional significance "The rise of the Dnieper River” and the “Gagarinsky” Nature Park.

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