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«Round-table discussion» with representatives of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)

«Round-table discussion» with representatives of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)

In Smolensk there was organized a «round-table discussion». In the context of it the representatives of the regional Administration and the delegation of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (the Federal Republic of Germany) discussed the main directions of mutual cooperation. That was the point of the today’s meeting with Governor Sergey Antufiev.

On December, 20, 2010 at the Russian-German seminar «Present-day problems and prospects of the management of public health» in Moscow the Department of Public Health of the Smolensk region and the direction of the Smolensk State Medical Academy signed an agreement of cooperation.

Greeting the Russian colleagues Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Tourism of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Stefan Rudolf told about the main economical priorities of the region and possibilities of the cooperation.


In Smolensk there was organized a «round-table discussion». In the context of it the representatives of the regional Administration and the delegation of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (the Federal Republic of Germany) discussed the main directions of mutual cooperation. That was the point of the today’s meeting with Governor Sergey Antufiev.

On December, 20, 2010 at the Russian-German seminar «Present-day problems and prospects of the management of public health» in Moscow the Department of Public Health of the Smolensk region and the direction of the Smolensk State Medical Academy signed an agreement of cooperation.

Greeting the Russian colleagues Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Tourism of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Stefan Rudolf told about the main economical priorities of the region and possibilities of the cooperation.

«Our lands have lots in common. Though there are some differences: for example we have smaller territory but twice as much population as you do. In your region a lot of people are engaged in industry, but it is 3% in ours. But at the same time we are not inferior in the sphere of public health. Our Universities and University Clinics make a great contribution in it», - said Stefan Rudolf.

During the discussion they set the main directions of cooperation: public health, social development and renewable energy.

Head of the Department of power engineering, environmental protection and recycled resources of the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Tourism of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Arnold Fuks told about use of technologies of renewable energy. A member of Direction of the Forum of whistleblower support «Petersburg dialog» Uwe Meyer told about the organizational and financial support of the projects of cooperation from the «Petersburg dialog». Director of international projects in the sphere of medicine of the International Scientific and Technical Centre Tatyana Gremyakova reported about the means of the organizational and financial support of educational and scientific projects in the region.

The delegation of the direction of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the representatives of medical and educational institutions there and the direction of our region discussed means of founding Russian-German educational and consultative centers, training and probation of the medical specialists and students of the Smolensk State Medical Academy on the territory of medical and public institutions of Germany, organization of telelectures and short-term away seminars of German professors on the territory of the Smolensk State Medical Academy and medical institutions of the region and training of specialists in the sphere of rehabilitation, traumatology, orthopedy and endoprosthetics in Germany.

Summing up the discussion deputy director of the Department of the Smolensk region in public Health Anatoly Ovsyankin said he hoped that meeting would allow working-out a concept of development of strategic directions that were very important for our region.

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