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The realization of the preparations for the jubilee of the regional centre in 2010 and the prospects for 2011 were summed up at the next session of the Federal Organization Committee-1150 that was held in the Administration of the Smolensk region.

Opening the session, Vice-chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitri Kozak called the forthcoming 1150th anniversary of Smolensk an important historic event that required joint efforts of the executive authorities of all the levels, business and society.


The realization of the preparations for the jubilee of the regional centre in 2010 and the prospects for 2011 were summed up at the next session of the Federal Organization Committee-1150 that was held in the Administration of the Smolensk region.

Opening the session, Vice-chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitri Kozak called the forthcoming 1150th anniversary of Smolensk an important historic event that required joint efforts of the executive authorities of all the levels, business and society.

‘We ought to put the city in order and revive the bygone glory of the western outpost of Russia. Some of the strokes of this work can already be seen today, I can mark single islets where one notices the changes. The realization of the schedule of the corresponding arrangements is being controlled at the Government level. The objective is to carry out all the arrangements impeccably in accordance with the schedule. Due to the preparations for the holiday the town will acquire significant material heritage’, marked the vice-premier. ‘Summing up the fulfillment of the plan of the major arrangements in 2010 the development of the funds made 56,6% of the spending sights. I call the political elite of the city to put an end to their conflicts and fights and devote themselves to the good deeds so necessary for our town’.

According to Dmitri Kozak, the lag made within the realization of the Plan of the major arrangements on preparing for the celebrations of the 1150th anniversary of Smolensk had led to ineffective use of the budget funds, which pointed to the unsatisfactory work of the executors. At present it is necessary to concentrate efforts, liquidate that lag and complete all the preparatory arrangements for the most part in 2012. The first six months of 2013 must be directed at the elimination of small defects. The principal and efficient use of the means remains an urgent problem. ‘Unfortunately, some violations have already been stated during the preparations for the holiday – two criminal cases have been opened, and the materials on five episodes bearing felony traits are being examined’, marked Dmitri Kozak. ‘Any misuses of this money are equal to treason. We will get rid of negligent people and those ones who are not ready to accomplish the task professionally, honestly and energetically’.

Governor Sergey Antufiev made a report on the progress of the fulfillment of the plan of the arrangements on preparing for the celebrations of the jubilee of Smolensk in 2010. He drew the attention of the Chairman and members of the Federal Organization Committee to a number of objective reasons hampering the development of the sums planned for 2010. Following the Governmental prescription they are to finance some arrangements in full volume and put them into practice in 2011 in accordance with the schedule. Moreover, the Department of Antimonopoly Service of the Smolensk region stopped the results of the competitive procedures in a number of objects. In 2011, the work became dynamic, the project documentation is being worked out ahead of the schedule, building and assembly jobs are being carried out according to the approved plans, which required 76,5 million rubles in January-February, 2011. The construction of the recreational and sports complex in Chernyakhovsky Street continues ahead of the schedule as well, the builders of the State archive handle the given tasks, the reconstruction of the building meant for the dermatovenerologic dispensary is in progress, two more trams have been bought for the town. In 2011, they are to develop over 5 milliard rubles in total considering the lag.

‘On the whole, we express confidence of the successful fulfillment of the program of 2011 and the following years left till the celebrations of the 1150th anniversary of Smolensk’, - summarized the Head of the region.

Commenting on the meeting of the Organization Committee for the representatives of mass media, Vice-premier Dmitri Kozak marked: ‘We have held a working meeting where we touched upon all the problems that ought to be solved during the preparations for the jubilee. The work has begun, some part of it has been done. There are omissions, one cannot but omit something while fulfilling projects of this caliber. We have taken concrete decisions on the terms of their elimination. The main task is to make a complete inventory of all the immovable property that needs maintenance work, major repairs, accomplishment, etc in order to create a festive mood in the town. I would like all the citizens to take part in the realization of these arrangements, to be diligent and put their land, the elevations of their blocks, etc in order to be pleasant to look at. The town has enormous tourist potential taking into account its history and architecture’.

In his turn Governor Sergey Antufiev drew attention to the fact that it was the first time the Smolensk region had begun preparations for arrangements of that scope: ‘In 2010, we faced a number of problems concerning both the absence of developers’ capacities and unwillingness of our building organizations to make use of modern technologies. We had to solve a number of organization problems straight off, as they say. That is why, we should make right conclusions after the work in 2010 in order not only to be on schedule but also repair omissions’.

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