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A working visit of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy to Roslavl district

A working visit of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy to Roslavl district

As part of a working trip to Roslavl district, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy visited the Hero of the Soviet Union E.I. Sterin Secondary school No. 1. The Head of the region took part in the ceremony dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and also gave a lesson for the students of the 11th grades.


As part of a working trip to Roslavl district, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy visited the Hero of the Soviet Union E.I. Sterin Secondary school No. 1. The Head of the region took part in the ceremony dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and also gave a lesson for the students of the 11th grades.

In June, during a working visit to Roslavl district, Alexey Ostrovskiy visited this school and inspected the progress of its reconstruction. It should be reminded that, with the assistance of the Administration of the region, it was possible to transfer the four-storey building of the former Roslavl Agricultural College from the federal property to the municipal and start repairing it.

More than 60 million rubles was allocated for these purposes within the framework of the regional program "Creation of new places in general education organizations of Smolensk region in accordance with the estimated need and modern conditions of education for 2016-2025" and on the instruction of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy.  Another 30 million rubles was allocated to the educational institution to purchase modern educational equipment.

On the Day of Knowledge, students, teachers and parents gathered in the renovated sports hall of the school. The first rows were taken by smartly dressed first-graders with huge bouquets of flowers. This year, the Hero of the Soviet Union E.I. Sterin Secondary school No. 1 has two classes 56 first-graders.

Congratulating the audience on the holiday, the Governor said: "It was a great pleasure to come and see you today, to congratulate teachers, schoolchildren and parents on the double holiday – the Day of Knowledge and House Warming! The regional Administration allocated a significant amount of funds to ensure that the process of gaining knowledge and playing sports was held in modern and comfortable conditions. I'm happy for all the girls and boys who will study here! Let your school No. 1 be the first not only by its serial number, but also by the quality of knowledge!"

After the ceremony, Alexey Ostrovskiy gave a lesson for students of the 11th grade. In the course of informal communication, the seniors had an opportunity to ask the Head of the region any questions they were interested in.

At the end of this meeting, the Head of the region addressed the seniors with words of advice: "I recommend all of you now to think about the choice of the future profession. In the 90s of the last century, every second person wanted to become a lawyer or an economist, and then, having no opportunity to find a job in these professions, as there were not enough vacancies, many people were forced to work in the spheres others than they were educated for. I would very much like you to stay in Smolensk region and choose a profession in the spheres of energy, agriculture, education, and medicine, which are in great demand in the region", summed up the Governor.

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