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The best Multifunctional Center in Smolensk region

The best Multifunctional Center in Smolensk region

The results of the annual contest "The Best Multifunctional Center (MFC) of Smolensk Region" were announced. The award ceremony took place in the Administration of the region.


The results of the annual contest "The Best Multifunctional Center (MFC) of Smolensk Region" were announced. The award ceremony took place in the Administration of the region.

The competition has been held for the second year in a row by order of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy to improve the quality of service for the population and prestige of being an employee of the MFCs, to identify and encourage the best practice in providing state and municipal services on a "one-window" principle. Today, in Smolensk region, the MFC network is represented by 27 centers and 75 of their territorial subdivisions, where more than 600 types of state, municipal and other services are provided. This year, the residents of Smolensk region have already been provided with more than 430 thousand services.
It should be reminded that Smolensk Region is among the leaders in the rating of the Economic Development Ministry of Russia in organizing the work of the MFC. Based on the performance in the II quarter of this year, our region was included in the group "Very high efficiency of operational organization".
The winners were selected in three categories depending on the number of service windows. As a result, the best MFC of the first category (the number of operating windows is not less than 20) was the Leninsky Multifunctional Center located in Pereulok Yunnatov. Among the centers of the second category (from 10 to 20 windows), the Yartsevo MFC won, and in the third category (from 2 to 10 windows) the winner was the Dorogobuzh MFC.

The winner in the nomination "The Best Universal Specialist of the MFC" was announced during the award ceremony. Prior to it, out of 31 submitted applications, five best specialists were selected; they made their presentations in the final round and answered questions from the jury. Judging by the total amount of points, the winner was Yulia Egorova, the leading specialist of the population service department from the Leninsky MFC.


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