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"We are the people of the Smolensk land" Celebration

"We are the people of the Smolensk land" Celebration

In accordance with the instructions of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, on September 23 at 11.00 in the Central Park of Culture and Recreation "Lopatinsky Sad" there will be a ceremony "We are people of the Smolensk land" held in the framework of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the formation of Smolensk region.



In accordance with the instructions of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, on September 23 at 11.00 in the Central Park of Culture and Recreation "Lopatinsky Sad" there will be a ceremony "We are people of the Smolensk land" held in the framework of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the formation of Smolensk region.

For Smolensk residents and guests of the city there will be an exhibition presenting the municipalities. Each district will present its exhibition stands telling about the history, cultural sights, outstanding countrymen, as well as the current state of the district, including investment activities. In addition, the municipalities will present their farmsteads and demonstrate products of folk arts and crafts.

A concert featuring creative teams of Smolensk Region will continue the festive program. Also, within the framework of the event at 4 pm, a performance of the Moscow folk band "TALITA" is planned to take place.


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