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  • Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the opening ceremony of the championship of professional skills among people with disabilities "Abilimpix"

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the opening ceremony of the championship of professional skills among people with disabilities "Abilimpix"

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the opening ceremony of the championship of professional skills among people with disabilities "Abilimpix"

The Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism hosted an opening ceremony of the regional qualifying stage of the III National Championship of professional skills for people with disabilities "Abilimpix-2017". The participants of the Championship were welcomed by Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy.


The “Abilimpix” Competitions are an effective tool for vocational guidance, socialization, and motivation for employment for people with various forms of disability. The championship got its name from the English "Olympics of Abilities".

In 2014, Russia joined this international movement, the goal of which is to raise awareness of society and employers of the professional capabilities of people with different categories of disabilities, and of the problem of their education and employment.

Based on the results of the first two National Championships, Smolensk region showed good results, having won a silver medal in 2015, and two bronze medals in 2016.

This year, more than 30 people are taking part in the regional qualifying stage of “Abilimpix”. Among them, there are university students and young professionals with disabilities, as well as school students who will compete in the Championship for the first time.

The competitors will demonstrate their skills in 6 competencies: “Database Administration”, “Car Repair and Maintenance”, “Painting”, “Artistic Design”, “Artistic Embroidery”, and “Beading”. Their performance will be assessed by 35 experts.

In addition, it is planned to hold “round table” discussions, panel discussions, and master classes with the participation of business community representatives.

This year, the Smolensk Academy of Vocational Education, the pedagogical, autotransport and construction colleges will be the sites for “Abilimpix”.

The winners in every age group, who will be determined according to the results of the competition, will represent our region on December 1-3 at the All-Russian stage of the competition in Moscow.

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