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  • Alexey Ostrovskiy awarded Anna Timofeevna Gagarina "Mother's Glory" honorary insignias of Smolensk region to mothers with many children

Alexey Ostrovskiy awarded Anna Timofeevna Gagarina "Mother's Glory" honorary insignias of Smolensk region to mothers with many children

Alexey Ostrovskiy awarded Anna Timofeevna Gagarina "Mother's Glory" honorary insignias of Smolensk region to mothers with many children

In honor of Mother's Day, which is traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday of November, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy awarded Anna Timofeevna Gagarina "Mother's Glory" honorary insignias of Smolensk region to over 15 mothers with many children.


Addressing the participants of the ceremony, the Head of the region noted: "When presenting this high award, I certainly admire your maternal feat! I wish you all a happy Mother's Day, a very bright holiday indeed, celebrated by mothers - the most precious people in the life of each person!"

The award ceremony for mothers of many children is carried out in accordance with the regional law "On Anna Timofeevna Gagarina "Mother's Glory" honorary insignia of Smolensk region." This award can be given to a Smolensk resident, who, starting from January 1, 2008, gave birth (or adopted children under the age of 8) to the fourth and (or) subsequent children and are raising (or have raised) the children.

The honorary insignia can also be given to mothers who were guardians, trustees and raised three or more orphans and children left without parental care before they reach the age of 18 or until they acquire full legal capacity before reaching adulthood. All the awardees are also paid a one-time cash reward of 15 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that for eight years Anna Timofeevna Gagarina "Mother's Glory" honorary insignia of Smolensk region has been awarded to 246 mothers of the region.

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