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  • Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated those who work for municipalities of Smolensk region with their professional holiday

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated those who work for municipalities of Smolensk region with their professional holiday

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated those who work for municipalities of Smolensk region with their professional holiday

The Smolensk Regional Philharmonic Society hosted a ceremony dedicated to the Day of Local Self-Government and celebrating laureates of the annual regional competitions "The Best Manager of Territorial Public Self-government of Smolensk Region" and "The Best Municipal Employee" for 2017. On the eve of their professional holiday, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy greeted the representatives of the municipal authorities.


The Smolensk Regional Philharmonic Society hosted a ceremony dedicated to the Day of Local Self-Government and celebrating laureates of the annual regional competitions "The Best Manager of Territorial Public Self-government of Smolensk Region" and "The Best Municipal Employee" for 2017. On the eve of their professional holiday, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy greeted the representatives of the municipal authorities.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the passing the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation". Local self-government is the authority closest to people. It is municipal officials who, like no one else, have detailed first-hand information about the pressing problems, daily solve urgent issues that concern the population, and help fellow citizens to take an active civic position and achieve positive changes.

Addressing the audience, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy pointed out: "Dear heads of municipalities and city districts! On your shoulders, there is a huge daily workload, and the leaders of rural settlements have even more work to do. At the same time, I want to emphasize that, despite the modest financial and material resources; you manage to perform many tasks facing the local authorities effectively. Thank you for your selfless work."

The Administration of the region encourages and stimulates the career growth of successful representatives of the municipal government. It is facilitated by the annual regional contest "The Best Municipal Employee", which last year was highly praised by the Labor and Social Protection of Population Ministry and recommended to other regions as a positive example.

During the ceremony, Alexey Ostrovskiy presented Letters of Appreciation from the Governor and Honor Certificates from the Administration of the region to the best municipal officials for their personal contribution to the development of local self-government. He also presented the awards to the winners of the competitions "The Best Head of Territorial Public Self-government of Smolensk region" and "The best municipal employee".

There was a festive concert at the end of the ceremony.

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