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  • Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the veterans and specialists of the regional Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia on the 100th anniversary of establishing the security agency of Smolensk region

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the veterans and specialists of the regional Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia on the 100th anniversary of establishing the security agency of Smolensk region

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the veterans and specialists of the regional Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia on the 100th anniversary of establishing the security agency of Smolensk region

The "Gubernsky" Cultural and Recreational Center hosted a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of establishing the state security agency of Smolensk region. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the veterans and specialists of the regional Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia on the anniversary.


The "Gubernsky" Cultural and Recreational Center hosted a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of establishing the state security agency of Smolensk region. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the veterans and specialists of the regional Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia on the anniversary.

From the very first days of its establishment, the State Security Agency was at the front of protecting national interests at the international arena, ensuring social and political stability within both the region and the Russian state as a whole.

Special words of gratitude for loyalty to duty and the Homeland the governor addressed to the veterans of the Agency, wishing them good health and a long life.

In addition, during the ceremony, Alexey Ostrovskiy presented the staff of the regional Directorate of Security Service with Honor Certificates from the Administration of Smolensk region for the efficient and conscientious performance of official duties.

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