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  • Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy delivered a report at the conference “Development of the Investment and Business Climate of Smolensk Region. Progress. Challenges. Plans."

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy delivered a report at the conference “Development of the Investment and Business Climate of Smolensk Region. Progress. Challenges. Plans."

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy delivered a report at the conference “Development of the Investment and Business Climate of Smolensk Region. Progress. Challenges. Plans."

At the IV Smolensk Regional Social and Economic Forum “Territory of Development”, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the conference “Development of the Investment and Business Climate of Smolensk Region. Progress. Challenges. Plans”. In his talk, the Head of the region presented the results of the work of the regional Administration in the investment sphere and outlined the plans for 2019.


At the IV Smolensk Regional Social and Economic Forum “Territory of Development”, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the conference “Development of the Investment and Business Climate of Smolensk Region. Progress. Challenges. Plans”. In his talk, the Head of the region presented the results of the work of the regional Administration in the investment sphere and outlined the plans for 2019.

“For me and my team it is crucial that by holding such a significant event Smolensk region can demonstrate real success in attracting investments. And this success can be confirmed not only with words but with the clear and understandable numbers and indicators. I personally and my subordinates are happy that new investment projects of any formats and extend appear in the region, and we are always open and ready to cooperate. Investors are guaranteed the creation of optimal conditions for a successful start and doing business: necessary support, prompt resolution of problems, transparency of procedures, open dialogue are my personal principles and principles of the Administration of the region in our work with investors. Each investor is the most important investor for the regional Administration!”, said Alexey Ostrovskiy opening the conference.

According to the Governor, one of the most powerful practices that allows to find out the entrepreneurs’ opinion, to identify growth points in the activities of state and municipal authorities, to create comfortable conditions for starting and running a business is the National Rating of the investment climate in the Russian regions: "In tough competition we took the 31st position. But for me, as the Head of the region, this is not enough, and I set before my subordinates the task of improving this indicator in the current year”.

According to the report, it has been in many ways facilitated by the systematic interaction of the regional Administration and relevant authorities with representatives of the business community of various levels - from start-up entrepreneurs to major investors, by partnerships with business associations - the Scientific-Industrial Union, Trade and Industry Chamber, regional offices of "Business Russia", and "OPORA RUSSIA". Also, Smolensk region, in close contact with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, actively participates in large-scale work on the implementation of targeted models for simplifying business procedures designed in accordance with the instructions of the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. “The models cover 12 key areas - from obtaining building permits to the quality of the content of the regional investment portal, from registering property rights to supporting small and medium businesses. The results of our region in doing it are encouraging - according to the results of the 3rd quarter, Smolensk region along with Kaluga region shares the first place in the Central Federal District,” the Head of the region said.

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