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The Address of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly

The Address of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the ceremony of the President of Russia delivering the annual Address to the Federal Assembly.


Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the ceremony of the President of Russia delivering the annual Address to the Federal Assembly.

The event, held in Gostiny Dvor, was attended by members of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, members of the Government, heads of the Constitutional, Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts, the governors, chairmen of regional legislative assemblies, leaders of traditional religions, public figures, heads of major media.

Following the event, Aleksey Ostrovskiy commented on the Address of the Head of State: “In my opinion, the key message in the Address by the Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to the officials of any level is aimed primarily at establishing maximum direct contact with the citizens of the country, at having a constant open and honest dialogue with them, as well as at specific work in the interests of the Russian citizens. I absolutely agree with the Head of State. For the past seven years I have been following the same course in managing Smolensk region. I set the same targets both for my subordinates and for the heads of municipalities. I say goodbye to those who are not ready to hear Smolensk residents and work in such a way that real support can be felt today, not tomorrow.

I also consider one of the important topics of the Address to be the development of the social sphere, as being the closest to the citizens and the most demanded by them. These are issues of health, education, culture, family policy and so on. The fact that as part of the implementation of  national projects in the coming years the state will begin to invest huge amounts of money in supporting family, parenthood and childhood, as well as senior citizens, testifies of the absolute success of the policy of our President. In our turn, in Smolensk region we will not only follow this course, but also will do everything possible to ensure that the initiatives of the Head of State aimed at improving the quality of people's lives are effectively and fully implemented.”

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