Victory Parade

Victory Parade

A review of the troops of the Smolensk military community devoted to the 66 years since the day of Great Victory was organized in the Lenin’s square.

Cadet corps of the military academy of air defense troops of the RF named after Vasilevsky, military servants of the internal troops of the MIA of Russia «Merkuriy», employers of the department of the Federal Service for the Execution of Sentences in Smolensk region, educates of the cadet corps named after field marshal Kutuzov took part in the celebratory. The moderators of the parade prepared special seats for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, so that they could oversee the actions.


A review of the troops of the Smolensk military community devoted to the 66 years since the day of Great Victory was organized in the Lenin’s square.

Cadet corps of the military academy of air defense troops of the RF named after Vasilevsky, military servants of the internal troops of the MIA of Russia «Merkuriy», employers of the department of the Federal Service for the Execution of Sentences in Smolensk region, educates of the cadet corps named after field marshal Kutuzov took part in the celebratory. The moderators of the parade prepared special seats for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, so that they could oversee the actions.

The day before the Governor of Smolensk region Sergey Antuf’ev has congratulated all citizens of Smolensk region with Great Victory. In particular, it is said: «The Great Patriotic War singed a large part of the country territory, touched every family, every man. Against all odds we won and smashed ominous regime which was going to threaten the whole mankind. We upheld both independence and liberation for other states and nations. We have a right to be proud that Smolensk region made a major contribution in the cause of the Victory!

Words of great gratitude and thanks we should say to every veteran, every rearward toiler. Our solemn duty is to make all possible, so that your life should be calm and gladful. I wish you be always encompassed with care and attention.

Thank you so much, dear veterans, for everything you’ve done for all of us! I wish you vivacity, good health, happiness and well-being. Letpeaceandlovebeatyourhome!».

After the parade deputies Governor Sergey Krivko and Olga Okuneva, heads of government authority visited Smolensk regional clinical hospital for war veterans, where they congratulated veterans of Great Patriotic War and rearward toilers on behalf of the governor.

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