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Awarding ceremony of winners of regional competitive selection of student scientific efforts

Awarding ceremony of winners of regional competitive selection of student scientific efforts

In the large hall of Administration of Smolensk region has taken place awarding ceremony of  winners of regional competitive selection of student scientific efforts. 

Vice-governor Peter Lopashinov has appealed to the winners and participants in the name of the head of the region, and has wished the sky will the limit. 

«We come into leading positions in Central Federal District by implementation of innovations, and that is why we need highly skilled stuff, young talented professionalswith ambitions and knowledge. Nowadaysopen up possibilities for application of intellect, wish you the best of luck! Goodruninscienceandlife


In the large hall of Administration of Smolensk region has taken place awarding ceremony of  winners of regional competitive selection of student scientific efforts. 

Vice-governor Peter Lopashinov has appealed to the winners and participants in the name of the head of the region, and has wished the sky will the limit. 

«We come into leading positions in Central Federal District by implementation of innovations, and that is why we need highly skilled stuff, young talented professionalswith ambitions and knowledge. Nowadaysopen up possibilities for application of intellect, wish you the best of luck! Goodruninscienceandlife

Yurij Glebov has appealed with words of welcome in the name of the Department of education and science.

Certificates for getting a gift of money and patents were presented to the winners in a ceremonial atmosphere.  Furthermore, competition sourcebooks were published by means of regional budget, sourcebooks will be handed to regional universal library and libraries of Institutions of Higher Education, that have nominated scientific efforts for competition.

Regional competitive selection of student scientific efforts takes place in our region in twice. Students carry out investigations by one from three directions – humanist, natural or technical. 54 authors and corporate authors have claimed this year. 60 students from eleven leading Institutions of Higher Education of Smolensk region have participated  the.

Scientific community of the region honors all the importance of organization and carrying out of   regional competitive selection of student scientific efforts.  This ceremony was focused on activation in field of research in student sphere and maintenance of human resources in the region.

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