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To the memory of worthy people of Smolensk

To the memory of worthy people of Smolensk

«On the eve of the public holiday – Day of Russia – we turn our views on the role of Smolensk in the history of the Russian state. We should proud Smolensk has played one of the key roles for saving of the Russian state system»,– has declared Sergey Antufiev while visiting the events devoted to the anniversary of 400 years since the end of the heroic defense of the city in 1609-1611.

The siege of the city within 20 months has paralyzed the enemies for a long time. Moscow and the Russian state system were saved in the Time of Troubles.

In Smolensk the information boards in Russian, English and Polish were opened on two unique monuments of the first third of XVII century – Bastion of Sheinoiv and the Royal fortress. The governor Sergey Antufiev saw round the exposition, which was organized by the Smolensk museum up to the anniversary of 400 years since the end of the heroic siege of the city, the governor also took part in the meeting «The role of Smolensk in the history of the Russian state» initiated by the People’s front.


«On the eve of the public holiday – Day of Russia – we turn our views on the role of Smolensk in the history of the Russian state. We should proud Smolensk has played one of the key roles for saving of the Russian state system»,– has declared Sergey Antufiev while visiting the events devoted to the anniversary of 400 years since the end of the heroic defense of the city in 1609-1611.

The siege of the city within 20 months has paralyzed the enemies for a long time. Moscow and the Russian state system were saved in the Time of Troubles.

In Smolensk the information boards in Russian, English and Polish were opened on two unique monuments of the first third of XVII century – Bastion of Sheinoiv and the Royal fortress. The governor Sergey Antufiev saw round the exposition, which was organized by the Smolensk museum up to the anniversary of 400 years since the end of the heroic siege of the city, the governor also took part in the meeting «The role of Smolensk in the history of the Russian state» initiated by the People’s front.

The presentation of book «Siege of Smolensk 1609-1611» written by the Smolensk historian Sergey Alexandrov was made at the meeting. The book was issued under financial support of the Administration of Smolensk region in the Moscow publishing house «Veche». The Smolensk regional tourist and information center presented the first version ofe-zine «Smolensk.ru». There you can find news about celebration of 1150 years since the first annalistic mentioning of Smolensk and also results of the first stage of Internet tour round the city by three – dimensional models and panoramic photo.

Students of local history, historians, the public representatives, executive committees of the regional department of «United Russia», delegation from Republic of Poland – participants of the club of history-making reconstruction «Hussar» took part in the meeting.

By the end of the meeting at the bottom of the Lithuanian wall a performance of the Smolensk theatre of history-making reconstruction «Porubezh’e» and polish club «Hussar» was organized..

At Russia’s Day the delegation from Poland has visited Andrusovo village in Monastyrschinsky district where in 1667 diplomatic missions of Russia and Rzeczpospolita have signed a truce and the terms of it were confirmed by «Everlasting Peace».

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