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  • The first stage of assembly of bays for federal medical center is finished

The first stage of assembly of bays for federal medical center is finished

The first stage of assembly of bays for federal medical center is finished

Deputy Governor Sergey Krivko has declared about finishing works as regards the first stage of assembly of bays while visiting construction area of the federal medical center of traumatology, orthopaedics and endoprosthesis.

According to the pressmen view since the moment of construction works the builders have made a little wonder that is four-floor block being a heart of the federal medical center has appeared within three weeks.

Sergey Krivko together with a secretary of the regional political council of «United Russia» - deputy chairman of the regional Duma Andrey Shmatkov looked after the construction works. In the entrance the future patients will see a spacious hall with a cloak-room, wide corridors with high ceilings, comfort medical rooms. Bay is a high technological constructor with all necessary communications, soundproof walls. From the first sight the building seems to be fragile but it meets the highest safety standards and exceeds cast constructions many times as regards the requirements for organization of treatment process.


Deputy Governor Sergey Krivko has declared about finishing works as regards the first stage of assembly of bays while visiting construction area of the federal medical center of traumatology, orthopaedics and endoprosthesis.

According to the pressmen view since the moment of construction works the builders have made a little wonder that is four-floor block being a heart of the federal medical center has appeared within three weeks.

Sergey Krivko together with a secretary of the regional political council of «United Russia» - deputy chairman of the regional Duma Andrey Shmatkov looked after the construction works. In the entrance the future patients will see a spacious hall with a cloak-room, wide corridors with high ceilings, comfort medical rooms. Bay is a high technological constructor with all necessary communications, soundproof walls. From the first sight the building seems to be fragile but it meets the highest safety standards and exceeds cast constructions many times as regards the requirements for organization of treatment process.

Construction of centers of high medical technologies is made in accordance with the priority national project «Health», the target of it is to provide availability of high-grade medical aid for citizens of Russia. It is important to provide such medical aid in regions that is why the federal government made a decision to construct the objects in regions.

 It is planned that this year the patients will appear in the medical center.

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