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Patriarch Kirill: «Keep the common groundwork!»

Patriarch Kirill: «Keep the common groundwork!»


«Everyone knows safety of the building depends on the foundation. If we undermine this groundwork and cover it with dangerous gaps and breakups three buildings will be destroyed. Nobody doubts that there is a common groundwork in life of three fraternal peoples and today – in life of three fraternal nations. We are strong when we keep the common groundwork and have no desire to weaken it, we should cherish it in spite of winds, weather and even earthquake if any cause», - has declared Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill while opening the International Festival of the Slavonic peoples, which took place near the Monument of Friendship at the border of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus last weekend.

The Head of the Russian Orthodox Church was accompanied by the governor of Bryansk region Nikolay Denin and the governor of Smolensk region Sergey Antufiev. After the meeting of the Patriarch Kirill at the airport of Bryansk the delegation went to Klimovsky district of Bryansk region by helicopter, where meetings of fraternal peoples have been organized since 1969 at the border of three fraternal nations. In 1975 the Monument of Friendship was built, and 20 years ago a cross of adoration was placed on the Russian territory. Nowadays the Festival of Slavonic Peoples is a big international event and more than ten thousands of citizens from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, heads of states and frontier regions, cultural and art figures, youth and public organizations took part in it.



«Everyone knows safety of the building depends on the foundation. If we undermine this groundwork and cover it with dangerous gaps and breakups three buildings will be destroyed. Nobody doubts that there is a common groundwork in life of three fraternal peoples and today – in life of three fraternal nations. We are strong when we keep the common groundwork and have no desire to weaken it, we should cherish it in spite of winds, weather and even earthquake if any cause», - has declared Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill while opening the International Festival of the Slavonic peoples, which took place near the Monument of Friendship at the border of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus last weekend.

The Head of the Russian Orthodox Church was accompanied by the governor of Bryansk region Nikolay Denin and the governor of Smolensk region Sergey Antufiev. After the meeting of the Patriarch Kirill at the airport of Bryansk the delegation went to Klimovsky district of Bryansk region by helicopter, where meetings of fraternal peoples have been organized since 1969 at the border of three fraternal nations. In 1975 the Monument of Friendship was built, and 20 years ago a cross of adoration was placed on the Russian territory. Nowadays the Festival of Slavonic Peoples is a big international event and more than ten thousands of citizens from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, heads of states and frontier regions, cultural and art figures, youth and public organizations took part in it.

By the end of the solemn ceremony the delegation in the lead of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirillvisited an exhibition of historical cities of Bryansk, Gomel and Chernigov regions. After that the governor of Smolensk region Sergey Antufiev had a meeting with the governor of Bryansk region Nikolay Denin, the chairman of the Gomel regional executive committee Vladimir Dvornik, the chairman of the Mogilev regional executive committee Petr Rudnik, the head of the Chernigov regional state administration Vladimir Khomenko, the Priesthood met with the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Ways and opportunities for profound cooperation between frontier regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were discussed at the meeting. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirillconsiders that joint divine services and celebration of memorable events, development of the pilgrimage, delivery of the sacred objects and organization of cultural and public moves with participation of youth may become an upcoming trend.

Sergey Antufiev has also discussed with the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church ongoing matters relating to the cooperation of the regional authorities and the Smolensk eparchy including construction of the church in Smyadyn’. By results of the meeting the head of the region has pointed out that Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirillmakes great efforts for the development of the Tran frontier cooperation of three countries. «We speak about not only spiritual liaisons, but economic ties also, - has informed Sergey Antufiev. – The Patriarch said about the potential of three fraternal Slavonic states, he has also said that the religion and common history unites us that is why we have a lot of ways for cooperation»

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