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All-Russian motor-car race competitions

All-Russian motor-car race competitions


On the 9-th. and 10-th. of July in Krasnyi village was held the twentieth anniversary  All-Russian motor-car race, devoted to  remembrance of soldiers of the Patriotic War 1812 .

The best Russian racers, represented 13 teams took part in this competition. As sponsors of the arrangement appeared Administration of Smolensk region, Administration of Krasninskij district,    regional division of Russian army, aviation and navy support NGO, and Russian automobile federation.

Competitions started on Saturday from check-starts, after that were held selection rounds. Course  «Uvarovo», according to the specialists' research, is one from the most complicated courses in its grade.  And this fact coupled with rainy weather became a serious test for sportsmen and cars. Steep ups and downs, sharp corners, difficult earthing coating made the struggle truly uncompromising and spectacular.



On the 9-th. and 10-th. of July in Krasnyi village was held the twentieth anniversary  All-Russian motor-car race, devoted to  remembrance of soldiers of the Patriotic War 1812 .

The best Russian racers, represented 13 teams took part in this competition. As sponsors of the arrangement appeared Administration of Smolensk region, Administration of Krasninskij district,    regional division of Russian army, aviation and navy support NGO, and Russian automobile federation.

Competitions started on Saturday from check-starts, after that were held selection rounds. Course  «Uvarovo», according to the specialists' research, is one from the most complicated courses in its grade.  And this fact coupled with rainy weather became a serious test for sportsmen and cars. Steep ups and downs, sharp corners, difficult earthing coating made the struggle truly uncompromising and spectacular.

During ceremonial opening of final races, on Sunday, the 10-th. of July  sportsmen were welcomed by  deputy of the Governor Peter Lopashinov, heads of bodies of executive power. By his allocution to the sportsmen, vice-governor wished them new grate victories.

 Following the results of rounds achieved natives of Smolensk the third team place and showed good result. OnthisdaytriumphedsportsmenfromMoscow club «Victoria». In an individual championship  the best were: Alexey Eltsov (class Т4-1), Denis Byakov (class Д3/4), Vasiliy Shestyrnjov (class Д3-юниор), Michael Christodonov (class Д3-Спринт), Alexey Eltsov (class Т4-1).

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