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The All-Russian meeting of students’ brigades

The All-Russian meeting of students’ brigades

On the 12 - 14 of August the All-Russian meeting of students’ brigades devoted to the fiftieth anniversary since the first flight of a man to the outer space went on in Gagarin.

Veterans of student’s building movement, delegations from the consolidated students’ parties from 17 regions of Russia, specialists of youth authority of the entities of the Federation, representatives of educational institutions of Smolensk region took part in the meeting.

The main object of the All-Russian meeting is to support and develop the movement of students’ brigades in the Russian Federation, to develop civic stand, share experience in the field of development and support of students’ labor movement.


On the 12 - 14 of August the All-Russian meeting of students’ brigades devoted to the fiftieth anniversary since the first flight of a man to the outer space went on in Gagarin.

Veterans of student’s building movement, delegations from the consolidated students’ parties from 17 regions of Russia, specialists of youth authority of the entities of the Federation, representatives of educational institutions of Smolensk region took part in the meeting.

The main object of the All-Russian meeting is to support and develop the movement of students’ brigades in the Russian Federation, to develop civic stand, share experience in the field of development and support of students’ labor movement.

More than 40 years ago the first students’ building parties have appeared in Gagarin. In March 1972 the Secretariat of the Central Committee of All-Union Leninist Young Communist League adopted a resolution about patronage of the All-Russian students’ building party over the town, a small motherland of the first pilot-cosmonaut in the world.

A solemn ceremony was organized in the central square of Gagarin. New participants of the building movement of Russia were greeted by heads of the international brigades of different years.

The deputy Governor Alexey Murygin has seen a considerable role of students’ building movement for transformation of the region. It is really so, every street in Gagarin has objects, built with their active participation: high-rise housing, movie house «Komsomolets», enterprises, objects of social field and, certainly, the monument to the first space pioneer.

During the meeting a project session «Students’ labor movement: history and modernity» and plenary session «Students’ labor movement: formation and present-day development» were organized. At the meeting the first results of the students’ work 2011 were resumed, exchange of views as regards the development and work of the students’ labor movement went on. The guests have also visited memorable places, connected with the name of Yuriy Gagarin.

On the 14-th of August the participants have laid the foundation of a memorable alley devoted to the fiftieth anniversary of the first flight of a man to the outer space.

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