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  • Smolensk region is represented on «MAKS-2011»

Smolensk region is represented on «MAKS-2011»

Smolensk region is represented on «MAKS-2011»

Smolens kregion represented your exposition on International Aviation & Space Salon      «MAKS-2011», that is held in Moscow, Zhukovsky, August 16-21. Production of six industrial Smolensk enterprises is represented on regional stands: «Rubicon-Innovation», «Safonovo  plant «Gidrometpribor», «Scientific-research Institute of modern telecommunication Technologies»,  «Engineering Centre «ELECTROLUCH», «Promtechexpo», and  also  Military academy of battle antimissile defense AF RF named after Marshal of Soviet Union А.М. Vasilevsky.  An additional point is that two enterprises «Izmeritel» and «Aircraft manufacturing plant» were placed on consolidated expositions of  Public Corporations.


Smolens kregion represented your exposition on International Aviation & Space Salon      «MAKS-2011», that is held in Moscow, Zhukovsky, August 16-21. Production of six industrial Smolensk enterprises is represented on regional stands: «Rubicon-Innovation», «Safonovo  plant «Gidrometpribor», «Scientific-research Institute of modern telecommunication Technologies»,  «Engineering Centre «ELECTROLUCH», «Promtechexpo», and  also  Military academy of battle antimissile defense AF RF named after Marshal of Soviet Union А.М. Vasilevsky.  An additional point is that two enterprises «Izmeritel» and «Aircraft manufacturing plant» were placed on consolidated expositions of  Public Corporations.

Among perspective developments of natives of Smolensk are integrated systems of navigations, Component cells of digital processing, apparat uses for air space use and industrial automation, absolute manometers and many other things.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin addressed on solemn ceremony of opening of the 10-th. International Aviation & Space Salon and noted that «MAKS» became a good international area where manufacturers can show what they have done during two last  years, and fans of aerospace technics can see advancements of world aviation industry and  space industry sector.

Vladimir Putin reported that in Zhukovsky will be created the National center of aircraft engineering that will enclose leading scientific centers, construction departments and institutes, pilot-production plants. On basis of center will be in fact generated an innovating base for national aviation industry. In Moscow region will arise research and industrial cluster of international standards with all necessary educational, social and transport infrastructure. And finally Prime Minister noted that Aviation & Space Salonhas great importancein connection with celebration of Year of  The Russian Cosmonautics.

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