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Vladimir Putin: «It is good that the work in Smolensk is done in time»

Vladimir Putin: «It is good that the work in Smolensk is done in time»

At the meeting in Smolensk devoted to the regional healthcare modernization programmes the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has declared that it is necessary to provide a new level of healthcare development on the account of regional programmes. 

«Thanks to the Health national project we have managed to solve the most acute problems in healthcare. Now, under regional programmes, we must effect qualitative change in improving healthcare in the Russian regions. This is above all about upgrading the quality of medical help on offer, ensuring it is accessible and of course, it is about decent pay for medical professionals, medical workers», – has declared  Vladimir Putin. 


At the meeting in Smolensk devoted to the regional healthcare modernization programmes the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has declared that it is necessary to provide a new level of healthcare development on the account of regional programmes. 

«Thanks to the Health national project we have managed to solve the most acute problems in healthcare. Now, under regional programmes, we must effect qualitative change in improving healthcare in the Russian regions. This is above all about upgrading the quality of medical help on offer, ensuring it is accessible and of course, it is about decent pay for medical professionals, medical workers», – has declared  Vladimir Putin.  

«We have just visited the regional clinical hospital here in Smolensk, and seen the construction site for the Federal Centre of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Endoprosthesis. I expect this work to be completed on schedule, and that by February 2012 – remember this construction work started in May this year – the new centre will be able to receive patients.», – has said the Prime Minister.

Vladimir Putin paid attention of those present that modernization programme should also provide purchase of medical equipment, repair of hospitals and clinics.

«We have no time. It is good that the work in Smolensk is done in time. But subjects of the Federation have got resources for realization of such programmes. And now it’s all depends on initiative, efficiency, professionalism of the regions, their ability to organize work correctly», – said Vladimir Putin.  

Tatiana Golikova, a minister of Healthcare and Social Development has mentioned in her report that a favorable situation as regards the infant mortality in the Central Federal Okrug is in Smolensk, Belgorod, Tambov regions. The Minister has also informed Vladimir Putin and participants of the meeting that repair works in medioprophilactic institutions are done in Belgorod, Bryansk, Ivanovo, Smolensk and Tambov regions in accordance with schedule of works.

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