Governor Sergey Antufiev participated in ceremony of opening of an international conference «Joint-stock commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation and BPS-Bank: new possibilities for business», that was organized by Savings Bank of the Russian Federation collectively with Joint-stock company « BPS-Bank » (Republic Belarus).
In this conference participated enterprises meat and dairy and food industry, producers of agricultural equipment, and also retail and system of wholesale depots and warehouses of the Russian Federation and Republic Belarus.
An intention of forum is to familiarize participants with new possibilities of conducting of business inside the territory ofRepublic Belarus and the Russian Federation, to establish new economic links between market participants of two states, stimulation of business activities of enterprises.
In conference, on the Russian side, took part enterprises from Bryansk, Kaluga, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver and Tula regions.
Sergey Antufiev noted a discrete role of Smolensk region in the integration process of two fraternal states: «Smolensk region and Republic Belarushave common a centuries-old history. Geographic location of Smolensk region predetermines an unity of our nations. For many years our region developed good friendly and partnership links, both economic and humanitarian. RepublicBelarusisourfirst-stringtradingpartner. In our region are registered about 400 companies with foreign capital, and one in three is Byelorussian. It is planed, that for 2011 the total foreign-trade will exceed billion of dollars».
Quantity forecast of investment in economic of Smolensk region in 2011 will be 52 billion of roubles, that is by 10% greater than in 2010. Volume of foreign investment for the past year reached 292,6 million dollars, and this year forecasted on the level of 302,3 million dollars.