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Gift for natives of Smolensk

Gift for natives of Smolensk

A home stretch of the IX-th Spartakiada Games of the Union State Russia and Belarus for children and youths started on reconstructed stadium «Krylja Sovetov» in Zadneprovskiy district of Smolensk

Nowadays, arena got a second wind after extensive repair. Perfect stadium was gifted to natives of Smolensk thanks to constructive collaboration between Administration of Smolensk region and Ministry of sports, tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation and Smolensk state Academy for Physical Education Sports and Tourism.


A home stretch of the IX-th Spartakiada Games of the Union State Russia and Belarus for children and youths started on reconstructed stadium «Krylja Sovetov» in Zadneprovskiy district of Smolensk

In solemn ceremony of opening took part Sergey Antufiev – Governor of Smolensk region, Anatoliy Mishnev – Chairman of regional Duma, Olga Kusenkova – Olympic championess and delegate of regional Duma, Tatjana Kovaljova – Director  of social policy and informational department of the Permanent Committee of the Union State, Georgiy Kosyachenko – first Deputy of minister of sports and tourism of Belarus, Aleksey Murygin – Deputy of Governor,  Nickolay Kuzko – Head of department of  Belorussian Embassy in the Russian Federation.        

Nowadays, arena got a second wind after extensive repair. Perfect stadium was gifted to natives of Smolensk thanks to constructive collaboration between Administration of Smolensk region and Ministry of sports, tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation and Smolensk state Academy for Physical Education Sports and Tourism.

«Spartakiada Games of the Union State Russia and Belarus takes place on renovated arena. I am sure, this sports complex will give good opportunity to our athletes and students of Academy for Physical Education to train their self on modern stadium. Training of healthy generation, healthy lifestyle promotion is a problem of state importance», – emphasized Sergey Antufiev. Governor also noted, that for regional authorities is very important to support leading sportsman and give them the real opportunity to carry healthy lifestyle and to do physical educatoin.

Total value of repair and construction work of the stadium «Krylja Sovetov» is 17 millions roubles invested from federal and regional budgets. Stadium includes football field, sector for throws of javelin, hammer throwing and discus throwing. Along the perimeter of field are four race tracks by 400 meters covered with qualitative synthetics. Supporters will locate on renovated tribunes  with capacity of 200 seating. In the future it will planed to to expand them up to 800-1000 seating. Next year all renovation work will be finished.

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