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Tourism and regional development

Tourism and regional development

The VI-th  international research-to-practice conference «Tourism and regional development» took place in  Smolensk Humanities University under the auspices of regional authorities.

 In the work of conference took part scientists from Smolensk, Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other regions of the Russian Federation and also guests from Latvia, White Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. In the opening ceremony of conference took part Juriy Vedenin – Director  of The Russian Research Studies Institute of cultural and natural heritage named after Likhachev, Aleksey  Murygin - vice-governor, Franz Klinzevich – deputy  of State Duma.


The VI-th  international research-to-practice conference «Tourism and regional development» took place in  Smolensk Humanities University under the auspices of regional authorities.

 In the work of conference took part scientists from Smolensk, Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other regions of the Russian Federation and also guests from Latvia, White Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. In the opening ceremony of conference took part Juriy Vedenin – Director  of The Russian Research Studies Institute of cultural and natural heritage named after Likhachev, Aleksey  Murygin - vice-governor, Franz Klinzevich – deputy  of State Duma.

«Native of Smolensk have a lot to be proud of, - noted Aleksey Murygin. –  There are about four thousands historical and cultural monuments. After all repairs and opening of Smolensk art gallery next stage will be reconstruction of Maria Tenisheva museum the «Russian antiquity». He also provided examples of Public Private Partnership by reparations and preservation of objects of historical-cultural heritage that are very attractive for tourists.

Smolensk authorities joint leading institutes suggested new project. It became touristic rout «To headward of Russia», that will run through Smolensk, Pskov and Novgorod regions. «It is no mere chance this project was included in National program of Smolensk region, - noted Franz Klinzevich. – This rout will connect three Russian cities – Smolensk, Pskov and Veliky Novgorod in the year of celebration of 1150 years of the Russian nationhood. Development of regional tourism will attract attention to Smolensk region and help to further economical development of our region».

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