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  • «Slavic cup»: to show the best technical kinds of sport

«Slavic cup»: to show the best technical kinds of sport

«Slavic cup»: to show the best technical kinds of sport


On the 8-9 of October a final stage of international competitions on autocross «Slavic cup» went on at the autopolygon of the outdoor activity centre «CAR_Dymovo».

The competition consisted of three stages – the first, second and the fouth – in Kardymovo district, the third – in Orsha. The competition went on under support of the Governor Sergey Antufiev.

The autopolygon is unique, as it unites auto– and motorsport, hang gliders and paragliders. The traffic lane of double use will also afford to develop flying sport.  



On the 8-9 of October a final stage of international competitions on autocross «Slavic cup» went on at the autopolygon of the outdoor activity centre «CAR_Dymovo».

The competition consisted of three stages – the first, second and the fouth – in Kardymovo district, the third – in Orsha. The competition went on under support of the Governor Sergey Antufiev.

The autopolygon is unique, as it unites auto– and motorsport, hang gliders and paragliders. The traffic lane of double use will also afford to develop flying sport.  

At these days 54 participants from Russia and Belarus have shown that they are fond of automobile sport, as they love high speed, drama confrontation sometimes dangerous but spectacular tricks.

The performance of motofreestyle «Ferz’» has created a special festive atmosphere there.

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