Vitaliy Mutko, Minster of sports tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation has visited Smolensk with working trip. He has participated in arrangements devoted to closing of the All-Russian Watch of Memory 2011.
Vitaliy Mutko has conducted the meeting with Sergey Antufiev, Governor of Smolensk region where they have discussed in detail questions of the further collaboration between our region and Ministry of sports tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation. Also Head of the region and Minister have familiarized themselves with an exposition devoted to Smolensk searching movement.
The solemn ceremony of closing of the Watch of Memory 2011 have visited participants of Ministry of Defense, Ministry of sports tourism and youth policy, Russian military center, commanding officers and soldiers of scouting forces from 49 regions of the Russian Federation and also guests from Ukraine, veterans, members of non-governmental organizations and associations.
Nowadays under the direction of Smolensk regional center of heroic and patriotic education and social assistance to young people in municipalities of our region there are 44 searching brigades with aggregate strength more than one thousand persons. Every year from April up to November within the scope of «Watch of Memory» had place around 24 search expeditions. In Smolensk region just only for last 10 years were found 21 156 remains and determined about 1 245 names. In All-Russian Watch of Memory have participated about 15 thousand children from other regions of our country which have found out more than 12 thousand soldier's remains and over 400 soldier's medallions. There were found 15 aircrafts, 6 tanks, over 15 thousand highly explosive objects.
During meeting in regional Administration problem points of searching movement development were discussed. Commanding officers have attracted attention of Vitaliy Mutko to the necessity of the sharp coordination of searching brigades on all levels of the government.