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  • The first regional congress of health workers was held in Smolensk

The first regional congress of health workers was held in Smolensk

The first regional congress of health workers was held in Smolensk

Plenary sitting of the first regional congress of health workers was opened by Governor, Sergey Antufiev. Leonid Roshal, President of the National medical chamber participated in work of congress.

Head of the region gave a report on realization of measures in Smolensk region of modernization Program, cadre policy, on salary increase for health workers and thanked Leonid Roshalfor initiative of the first Congress holding just in Smolensk. Governor mentioned that such kind of problems discussion furthers determination way of their solution, play an important part in preservation and health promotion of inhabitants of our region and in development of priority guidelines of public health.


Plenary sitting of the first regional congress of health workers was opened by Governor, Sergey Antufiev. Leonid Roshal, President of the National medical chamber participated in work of congress.

Head of the region gave a report on realization of measures in Smolensk region of modernization Program, cadre policy, on salary increase for health workers and thanked Leonid Roshalfor initiative of the first Congress holding just in Smolensk. Governor mentioned that such kind of problems discussion furthers determination way of their solution, play an important part in preservation and health promotion of inhabitants of our region and in development of priority guidelines of public health.

«Result of realized measures is growth of ambulant medical assistance availability. The total amount of financing is equal 377 millions 200 thousands roubles,- Segey Antufiev said. –Additionally, from regional budget were settled monetary payments for doctors of Emergency Call service. Special emphasis inmodernization Program places on cadre policy in the scope of public health, on education and training of highly-skilled professionals whereat are provided  4 millions 600 thousands roubles. Nowadays 259 doctors from planned  370 specialists retrained and upgraded their skill.

 Administration of Smolensk region pays additional living allowances to students and interns of  Smolensk state medical academy  – 2 500 and  4 500 roubles, correspondingly. This year for the purpose of health care manpower attraction from regional budget are provided monetary benefits in the amount of  200 thousands roubles for young professionals».

Closing his speech, wished Governor all participants of Congress productive communication, new advancements and robust health, after that the best regional specialists were awarded with presents.

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