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  • Sergey Antufiev: «It managed to us to advance investment attractiveness of the region»

Sergey Antufiev: «It managed to us to advance investment attractiveness of the region»

Sergey Antufiev: «It managed to us to advance investment attractiveness of the region»

The Governor commented investment climate of the region and Gagarin district during solemn events devoted to closing of the Year of cosmonautics.

«Smolensk region, became one of the centers of all-Russian celebration of the 50-th. anniversary from the firstman-in-space flight. This fact added investment attractivenessto the region» -  said Governor, Sergey Antufiev during his visit to Gagarin.– This year we forecast the total investment amount in regional economic at the rate of 53 billions roubles. That almost 15 billions more than last year. I think, that for the last years it managed to us to advanceinvestment attractiveness of Smolensk region».


The Governor commented investment climate of the region and Gagarin district during solemn events devoted to closing of the Year of cosmonautics.

«Smolensk region, became one of the centers of all-Russian celebration of the 50-th. anniversary from the firstman-in-space flight. This fact added investment attractivenessto the region» -  said Governor, Sergey Antufiev during his visit to Gagarin.– This year we forecast the total investment amount in regional economic at the rate of 53 billions roubles. That almost 15 billions more than last year. I think, that for the last years it managed to us to advanceinvestment attractiveness of Smolensk region».

Smolensk region's gross product at year-end 2011 will amount about 173 billions roubles that  50 billion roubles more than three years ago. However, gross product of Gagarin district will amont this year of the order of 8 billions roubles.

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