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In order to implement President’s Letter to federal assembly

In order to implement President’s Letter to federal assembly

Scheduled meeting of Committee for realization of administrative reform in Smolensk region was held under the chairmanship of Peter Lopashinov, Deputy of Governor – Head of Department for information technologies, connection and supply with digital services. 

Vice-governor, Peter Lopashinov informed about final result of measures implementation in the scope of administrative reform in 2011. Government of the Russian Federation set a mission to complete an arrangement of interdepartmental and interlevel coordination by providing of state and municipal services up to the 1-st. of July  2012. It is necessary to completeprojecting of interdepartamental coordination up to the 1 –st. of March 2012 and from the 1-st. of March till the 1-st. of July 2012 to carry a testing of system activity. It was created Interdepartamental working group regarding formation of digital government in Smolensk region and providing of digital services bybudgetary establishment. All works regarding projecting process budgetary establishment coordination is planned up to the 1-st. of January 2012. For the moment the total number of government authorities, that provide government services, controlling and review services in Smolensk region is 22 and the number of services provided by this authorities is 221.


Scheduled meeting of Committee for realization of administrative reform in Smolensk region was held under the chairmanship of Peter Lopashinov, Deputy of Governor – Head of Department for information technologies, connection and supply with digital services. 

Vice-governor, Peter Lopashinov informed about final result of measures implementation in the scope of administrative reform in 2011. Government of the Russian Federation set a mission to complete an arrangement of interdepartmental and interlevel coordination by providing of state and municipal services up to the 1-st. of July  2012. It is necessary to completeprojecting of interdepartamental coordination up to the 1 –st. of March 2012 and from the 1-st. of March till the 1-st. of July 2012 to carry a testing of system activity. It was created Interdepartamental working group regarding formation of digital government in Smolensk region and providing of digital services bybudgetary establishment. All works regarding projecting process budgetary establishment coordination is planned up to the 1-st. of January 2012. For the moment the total number of government authorities, that provide government services, controlling and review services in Smolensk region is 22 and the number of services provided by this authorities is 221.

During the sitting was discussed the question about improvement of the coordination's effectiveness between government authorities,local government bodies and civil society. Administration of Smolensk region gives particular emphasis to progress of civil society in consideration of factor determining socio-political situation in a region. Public organizations are an important means of coordination between government and society, formation and consolidation of public opinion. Nowadays in our region are registered around 1400 public organizations and public associations. The main areas of their activity are sphere of social and legal safeguard of people, including children, families with many children, veterans, patriotic education, and realization of youth policy, culture and education, international relations. The Public Chamber of Smolensk region is an effective means of interacting of regional body of state authority and people. It became an area for public discussions concerning urgent social problems. During this year received the Public Chamber more than 300 addresses. For this moment is discussing the question about foundation board and care facility in Smolensk region, where people could receive legal assistance, doctor's advice, to buy medicines and provisions.

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