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  • Contraband control under the conditions of Custom union

Contraband control under the conditions of Custom union

Contraband control under the conditions of Custom union

During the sitting of Coordination Council for borderline policy by Administration of Smolensk region, that was conducted by Alexey Murygin, Deputy of Governor was approached a problem of contraband control effectiveness under the conditions of custom union.

In connection with forming of an integrated customs area of Custom union all duties concerning customs control pertaining to goods and transports will be realized by customs of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan in points on outer boundary of Custom union.


During the sitting of Coordination Council for borderline policy by Administration of Smolensk region, that was conducted by Alexey Murygin, Deputy of Governor was approached a problem of contraband control effectiveness under the conditions of custom union.

In connection with forming of an integrated customs area of Custom union all duties concerning customs control pertaining to goods and transports will be realized by customs of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan in points on outer boundary of Custom union.

Reports of representatives of Smolensk customs, boundary administration of the Federal Security Service of Russia in Smolensk region and other power departments were heard and discussed. Coordination Council noted that operative situation generally did not suffer any changes. But it is necessary for the purpose of more qualitative and quick countercheck to contraband to share information and exchange experience with Byelorussian partners more actively. Regional power departments should coordinate permanently  search activities with Department of Internal Affairs border regions of Belarus and continue development of close collaboration.

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