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  • The Head of the region has visited reconstructed children's polyclinic in Vyazma

The Head of the region has visited reconstructed children's polyclinic in Vyazma

The Head of the region has visited reconstructed children's polyclinic in Vyazma


Governor, Sergey Antufiev participated in opening of children's polyclinic. Last year for reconstruction of this object were appropriated resources in the rate of 53 million roubles. Children from Vyazma, Tyomkino and Ugra districts will receive treatment in clinic in some weeks.

Building of an unusual structure was built in 1950-s and has been working up to the present moment without capital repair. It became dangerously to visit children's polyclinic because of building's wear-out and was not possible to place medical devise that was purchased according to the national project. Polyclinic should be closed to carry capital repair and children from three districts should stay without medical assistance.



Governor, Sergey Antufiev participated in opening of children's polyclinic. Last year for reconstruction of this object were appropriated resources in the rate of 53 million roubles. Children from Vyazma, Tyomkino and Ugra districts will receive treatment in clinic in some weeks.

Building of an unusual structure was built in 1950-s and has been working up to the present moment without capital repair. It became dangerously to visit children's polyclinic because of building's wear-out and was not possible to place medical devise that was purchased according to the national project. Polyclinic should be closed to carry capital repair and children from three districts should stay without medical assistance.

In 2008 was made a design to reconstruct former therapeutic body of central regional hospital for children's polyclinic. 2 million roubles were invested in 2009 by Vyazemskiy regional Council of Deputies for development of design estimate documentation. In 2010 project examination wasf inished.

At the beginning of April 2011natives of Vyazma requested financial help to the Governor, Sergey Antufiev. Head of the region assured money would be allocated to. For reconstruction of building was given 53 million roubles from the Governor's emergency reserve fund.

In July 2011 was signed State contract for reconstruction that was completely finished six months later, but, according to specialist’s opinion it takes usually twice as much.

 After inspection Governor had a talk with representatives of Vyazma public health. «Situation with policlinic in Vyazma was very serious and problem. I allocated 53 million on the assumption that during one year this policlinic will reconstructed And we coped with it! This children’s polyclinicis result of our common work. We did it together»,- SergeyAntufievsaid.

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