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From grassroots sports to elite sport

From grassroots sports to elite sport

Up to the year 2014 it will be invested from budgets of different levels in development of physical education and sports in Smolensk region 3 billion 300 million roubles. Governor, Sergey Antufiev informed about this fact during his visit in Khislavichy where new sports and recreation centre is building up to the moment.

The head of the region appointed that new sports centers are very popular between regional  youths: «Children throughout Smolensk region are going in for sports and live a healthy lifestyle. And we as representatives of authorities must create all necessary conditions for them». An excellent example is physical culture school for children and young people «Youth of the Russian» that works successfully in Khislavichy and specialized in freestyle wrestling. Children achieve good results in spite of imperfect conditions for trainings – small room, scanty quantity of sporting equipment. Four children have rank of master of sports. Olesya Stepanyuk, Honoured Master of Sports, bronze medalist of Olympiad for disabled persons in Beijing.


Up to the year 2014 it will be invested from budgets of different levels in development of physical education and sports in Smolensk region 3 billion 300 million roubles. Governor, Sergey Antufiev informed about this fact during his visit in Khislavichy where new sports and recreation centre is building up to the moment.

The head of the region appointed that new sports centers are very popular between regional  youths: «Children throughout Smolensk region are going in for sports and live a healthy lifestyle. And we as representatives of authorities must create all necessary conditions for them». An excellent example is physical culture school for children and young people «Youth of the Russian» that works successfully in Khislavichy and specialized in freestyle wrestling. Children achieve good results in spite of imperfect conditions for trainings – small room, scanty quantity of sporting equipment. Four children have rank of master of sports. Olesya Stepanyuk, Honoured Master of Sports, bronze medalist of Olympiad for disabled persons in Beijing.

In 2011 begun construction of new sports and recreation center within a matter of social project execution named «Building of sports and recreation centers» conducting by political party «United Russia». This event can absolutely change the further live of children in Khislavichy. Financing is carried out from federal and regional budget. The total cost of works is more than 50 million roubles.

Sports complex is a two-storey building, size 50х24 meters. On the first floor are placed  sports hall, male and female changing rooms, shower cubicles, bathroom units, doctor's office, trainer's and instructor's rooms, inventory room and viewing stand is also planned. Separate boiler room is also provided.

Rooms of sports complex are purposed for educational and conditioning exercises and competitions in volleybal, basketball, indoor soccer, freestyle wrestling and ping-pong. Today conducted all finishing works this sports object must be introduce into service in first quarter of this year.

According to the head's of the region opinion this year will be introduce into service sports complexes in Roslavl, Novodugino and Pechersk and also ice rink in Smolensk.

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