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  • Smolensk region is leader of development of information technology in Central Federal District

Smolensk region is leader of development of information technology in Central Federal District

Smolensk region is leader of development of information technology in Central Federal District


In regional Smolensk Philharmonic Society was opened the V annual inter-regional theoretical and practical conference «Informative and communicative technologies in regional development». Staff of federal structures and experts from 30 regions of Russia, representatives of business and civil societies, members of educational and cultural institutions and representatives of mass media participated in its work.

Governor Sergey Antufiev, in his address to participants of arrangement noted with pleasure that conference becomes more representative from year to year. Leading IT-specialists from Russia and Belarus have opportunity to exchange their experience and discuss urgent problems. In 2012, for the purpose of informational support will be invested about 230 million roubles from regional budget. Nowadays, natives of Smolensk have opportunity to file digital applications for receipt of 22 state services.



In regional Smolensk Philharmonic Society was opened the V annual inter-regional theoretical and practical conference «Informative and communicative technologies in regional development». Staff of federal structures and experts from 30 regions of Russia, representatives of business and civil societies, members of educational and cultural institutions and representatives of mass media participated in its work.

Governor Sergey Antufiev, in his address to participants of arrangement noted with pleasure that conference becomes more representative from year to year. Leading IT-specialists from Russia and Belarus have opportunity to exchange their experience and discuss urgent problems. In 2012, for the purpose of informational support will be invested about 230 million roubles from regional budget. Nowadays, natives of Smolensk have opportunity to file digital applications for receipt of 22 state services.

In Smolensk region operate four multifunctional centers – in Vyazma, Gagarin, Roslavl and Safonovo, witch services in 2011 got more than 65 thousands citizens. Was established Call Centers for the purpose of information of citizens and organizations.

Smolensk region is the only one Russian region where operate two centers for space services – in Smolensk and Gagarin. Their possibilities allow conducting of monitoring of regional and municipal transports with the aid of GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology. More than 300 busses, 117 school busses, 10 ambulances and 50 cars of Emergencies Ministry were supplied with navigational equipment.

Advances of the region were noted on the highest level. Ilyia Massukh, Deputy of Minister of Telecom & Mass Communications supposed Smolensk region takes leading positions in Central Federal District in the level of programs realization «Online Government» and assignment of state services.

In the scope of conference was held a plenary meeting, 8 sittings, 6 panel discussions and panel session of Coordination Council of Association «Centrally-Chernozemic» in expanded format. Also took place seminar on the topic of problems of transition to digital television and radio broadcasting in regions of Russia. Were held webcast and enumeration of annual regional competition «Information technologies in education».

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