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Agreement for Cooperation with Minsk region is signed

Agreement for Cooperation with Minsk region is signed


Today in Minsk was signed an Agreement for trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation between Administration of Smolensk region (the Russian Federation) and Minsk regional executive committee (the Rebublic of Belerus) by Governor Sergey Antufiev and Chairman of Minsk regional executive committee Boris Batura.  

The document directed at conditions creation for economic agents of two regions, assistance by conclusion of subsistence contracts and their realization, contracts for supplement of provisions, producer goods and raw materials, consumer packaged goods and assistance by conservation of natural resources reproduction and rational use of natural resources for the purpose of  ensuring of advantageous environment and ecological security. This agreement also provides support of cooperation between corresponded local government bodies which conduct activities in Smolensk and Minsk regions.



Today in Minsk was signed an Agreement for trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation between Administration of Smolensk region (the Russian Federation) and Minsk regional executive committee (the Rebublic of Belerus) by Governor Sergey Antufiev and Chairman of Minsk regional executive committee Boris Batura.  

The document directed at conditions creation for economic agents of two regions, assistance by conclusion of subsistence contracts and their realization, contracts for supplement of provisions, producer goods and raw materials, consumer packaged goods and assistance by conservation of natural resources reproduction and rational use of natural resources for the purpose of  ensuring of advantageous environment and ecological security. This agreement also provides support of cooperation between corresponded local government bodies which conduct activities in Smolensk and Minsk regions.

Parties entered into commitment to further creation of joint venture companies, to encourage development of mutually profitable industrial and scientific cooperation between industrial and scientific organizations and higher education establishments, to further realization of joint investment programs directed at development of agricultural sector for the purpose of the more effective development of economic,scientific and technical and cultural potential.

As separate article of the Agreement are understanding about cooperation in spheres of education, public health, social protection, culture, sports and tourism. Plan of Agreement's realization contains all specific arrangements and was signed by the Heads of both regions.

During his speech Sergey Antufiev noted that Belarussia is the biggest trade partner of Smolensk region. According to initial data total volume of trade transactions in 2011 averaged 1 billion 342 million USD dollars that is about 50% from all foreign-trade volume of Smolensk region in 2011.

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