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  • Project «Slavutich» moves to the stage of practice realization

Project «Slavutich» moves to the stage of practice realization

Project «Slavutich» moves to the stage of practice realization

Presentation of project micro-district «Slavutich» was held in Administration of Smolensk region. Officials of the region in common with representatives of mass media could familiarize themselves with comprehensive information concerning all details of coming building.

The project is an alternative for infill development. Recourses for such kind of building are fast exhausted in Smolensk and in many others big cities.

Territory of building will be 116 hectares and will place in settlement Prigorskoje. At the same time floor area of apartment buildings will increase up to 650 thousand square meters. Zones of apartment blocks include multistoried and low-rise buildings particularly low-rise buildings in the form of cottage with homestead lands. Multistoried buildings will be 5, 7, 9, 16 and 17 -storied.


Presentation of project micro-district «Slavutich» was held in Administration of Smolensk region. Officials of the region in common with representatives of mass media could familiarize themselves with comprehensive information concerning all details of coming building.

The project is an alternative for infill development. Recourses for such kind of building are fast exhausted in Smolensk and in many others big cities.

Territory of building will be 116 hectares and will place in settlement Prigorskoje. At the same time floor area of apartment buildings will increase up to 650 thousand square meters. Zones of apartment blocks include multistoried and low-rise buildings particularly low-rise buildings in the form of cottage with homestead lands. Multistoried buildings will be 5, 7, 9, 16 and 17 -storied.

Multistoried apartment buildings of economy class will be equal minimum to 81% (398,670 thousand square meters) for 15 thousand 550 people, low-rise in the form of blocks of economy class – 10 thousand square meters for 400 people. Multistoried apartment buildings of enhanced comfort will contain 26 thousand square meters for 650 people.

Zones of public and business significance will be placed separate from blocks of flats and will be situated in immediate neighborhood from road interchange and also along the way A141 in the direction of Roslavl.

Infrastructure of micro-district is calculated for 20 thousand people from this number 18 thousand 650 people are planned inhabitants of «Slavutich», and the rest are inhabitants of neighboring populated localities. The project supposes availability of two kindergartens for 540 places, two schools for 2 thousand 40 places, polyclinic for 500 visits per shift.  Also will be build shopping and leisure center with cinemas and bowling. It is planned that Administration of Smolensk district will situate in this micro-district.

As for supply with all necessary communications so were reached all principle agreements with recourses providing organizations that supply this district with all necessary infrastructure.

And regional authorities intend to regularize status of Smolensk as capital of Union state. Regional administration put on record on federal level suggestion about building of parliamentary center on territory of new micro-district where will be situated supervisory authorities of Union state of Russia and Byelorussia. Our regional center has all premises for it as geographical so and historical.

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