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  • Suggestion of Sergey Antufiev will be included in the program of international ecological congress

Suggestion of Sergey Antufiev will be included in the program of international ecological congress

Suggestion of Sergey Antufiev will be included in the program of international ecological congress

Sergey Antufiev suggested include discussion about problems of river Dnepr to the program of congress  during extended meeting of organizing committee for preparation of  the fiveth Nevsky international ecological congress that was held on the 29-th of February in Moscow. Chairperson of the Federation Council and Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations entertained a proposal. 

As organizers of congress that will be hold on 17-18 of May 2012 in St. Petersburg will act the Federation Council and Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations. In the scope of planned events participants will discuss problems of international environmental safety, questions of environmental protection legislation, rise ofenergy effectiveness and increase of environmental capacity of manufacture, formation of ecological culture.


Sergey Antufiev suggested include discussion about problems of river Dnepr to the program of congress  during extended meeting of organizing committee for preparation of  the fiveth Nevsky international ecological congress that was held on the 29-th of February in Moscow. Chairperson of the Federation Council and Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations entertained a proposal. 

As organizers of congress that will be hold on 17-18 of May 2012 in St. Petersburg will act the Federation Council and Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations. In the scope of planned events participants will discuss problems of international environmental safety, questions of environmental protection legislation, rise ofenergy effectiveness and increase of environmental capacity of manufacture, formation of ecological culture.

The Head of the region participated in sitting of organizing committee in format of video conference and suggested discuss the question that worries not only natives of Smolensk: «I would like to suggest one more problem to the program of congress. It is a problem of transboundary river Dnieper that binds three states, runs through the territory of Russia, Byelorussia and Ukraine that is why the problem of ecological state of Dnieper can be actual for international congress. We for our part are ready to take part in discussion. I believe our Byelorussian and Ukrainian colleagues will join to our discussion much less one Federation Council and Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nationsis one of the organizers of congress».

Valentina Matvienko thanked Governor of Smolensk region for bringing up of very important topic and asked direct this suggestion to organizing committee.

Svetlana Orlova, Deputy of the Head of the Federation Council, Members of the Federation Council, officials of federal ministries and departments representatives of federal and regional authorities scientific and public organizations participated in sitting of organizing committee.

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