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Governor congratulated Smolensk customer officers with professional advances

Governor congratulated Smolensk customer officers with professional advances

Working meeting of Sergey Antufiev with Vasiliy Knyasev, Head of Smolensk customs took place in regional Administration. Head of the region was informed about records in 2011.

For accounting reference period by Smolensk customs officers was realized release of goods according 115 thousand declarations. The volume has twice increased compared with indexes of 2010. In federal budget was transferred 59,6 billion rubles, that is 2,5 times more than  indexes of  2010 and compose 109,2% of Customs plan target. This fact allowed our Smolensk Customs rank Nr. 2 in competition for the best team in Central Customs Administration. And customs station Stabninskiy was acknowledged as the best team of Russia for the first time in history of Smolensk Customs. 


Working meeting of Sergey Antufiev with Vasiliy Knyasev, Head of Smolensk customs took place in regional Administration. Head of the region was informed about records in 2011.

For accounting reference period by Smolensk customs officers was realized release of goods according 115 thousand declarations. The volume has twice increased compared with indexes of 2010. In federal budget was transferred 59,6 billion rubles, that is 2,5 times more than  indexes of  2010 and compose 109,2% of Customs plan target. This fact allowed our Smolensk Customs rank Nr. 2 in competition for the best team in Central Customs Administration. And customs station Stabninskiy was acknowledged as the best team of Russia for the first time in history of Smolensk Customs.  

Customs station was formed on the 1-st of December 2009 based on Zadneprovskiy customs station in the scope of realization of Conception of customs registration and customs control of goods in places approached to the state border of the Russian Federation. In 2011 were cleared more than 28,5 thousand declarations, in state exchequer were transferred more than 16 billion  rubles. Station is placed in areas of Temporary Storage Warehouse «Alfa Trans» Ltd., founded in the scope of Conception in 2009. Today there is possibility to place more than 400 heavy-load cars. On territory of Temporary Storage Warehouse are placed departments of veterinary and plant control. On working days is organized two-shift work and on holydays one-shift work.   Customs procedures are considerable faster thanks to use of perspective customs technologies among them is on-line avowal by Internet.

Sergey Antufiev highly appreciated results of Smolensk custom officers and presented grateful letter to Vasiliy Knyasev, Oleg Bondarev – Head of customs station Stabninskiy and Vladimir Lagutin – Head of Department of customs registration and customs control of customs station Stabninskiy.

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