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  • In Smolensk takes place All-Russian scientific conference «Year 1812: war and peace»

In Smolensk takes place All-Russian scientific conference «Year 1812: war and peace»

In Smolensk takes place All-Russian scientific conference «Year 1812: war and peace»

In Smolensk regional universal library named after А.Т. Tvardovskiy was opened IV All-Russian scientific conference «Year 1812: war and peace».

Descendants of heroes of Patriotic War became honorable participants of conference among them was great granddaughter of Michael Kutuzov in sixth generation Julia Khitrovo and also scientists-historian. Guests were welcomed by Aleksey Murygin - Deputy of Governor of Smolensk region.

Conference is holding during two days on – 21-th and 22-th of March ant its aim is to call attention of scientists, historians, students of local history to study of heroic period of Russian history, to detect new historical facts and to deal with new historical documents and sources. 


In Smolensk regional universal library named after А.Т. Tvardovskiy was opened IV All-Russian scientific conference «Year 1812: war and peace».

Descendants of heroes of Patriotic War became honorable participants of conference among them was great granddaughter of Michael Kutuzov in sixth generation Julia Khitrovo and also scientists-historian. Guests were welcomed by Aleksey Murygin - Deputy of Governor of Smolensk region.

Conference is holding during two days on – 21-th and 22-th of March ant its aim is to call attention of scientists, historians, students of local history to study of heroic period of Russian history, to detect new historical facts and to deal with new historical documents and sources.  

Plenary meeting took place in village Krasny after welcoming address to participants of conference. Two centuries ago in this place were hot battles between Russian and French troops. This year at the expense of budget of union state was restored monument to Heroes of battles near village Krasny in 1812. Guests laid flowers to this memorial then visited domestic local history museum. Last years participants of conference visited battle places at Valutino hill and near place Lubino.

For participation in conference in 2012 proceeded with applications more than 60 participants: scientists, students of local history, representatives of institutes of higher education, archives, museums and libraries they arrived from Belarus and Ukraine and from different regions of Russia. In conference participated 11 doctors of sciences and 27 candidates of sciences. On the first day was held sitting of youth sections.

On the 22-th of March conference started from plenary sitting and proceeded with working of four sections. Participants of these sections will represent their reports about Patriotic War 1812 and about its consequences for Smolensk region and Russia in the whole.

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