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Smolensk region has presented its socioeconomic potential to Diplomatic Corps

Smolensk region has presented its socioeconomic potential to Diplomatic Corps

In Moscow, in reception house of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has taken place presentation of socioeconomicand culture-historical potential of Smolensk region. 

It is far from it that every subject of the Russian Federation gets right to represent its region in famous palace on Spiridonovka street. High-status arrangements take place not more frequently than several times per year. With regard to the above mentioned were taken into account socio-economic advances, availability of unique enterprises, presence of objects of cultural heritage and many other facts.

More than hundred persons have familiarized theirselves with exposition devoted to Smolensk region. Among them were heads of diplomatic corpses of foreign states from Europe, Asia, Africa, members of missions of international organization in the Russian Federation, representatives of foreign business community, foreign and Russianmass media.


In Moscow, in reception house of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has taken place presentation of socioeconomicand culture-historical potential of Smolensk region. 

It is far from it that every subject of the Russian Federation gets right to represent its region in famous palace on Spiridonovka street. High-status arrangements take place not more frequently than several times per year. With regard to the above mentioned were taken into account socio-economic advances, availability of unique enterprises, presence of objects of cultural heritage and many other facts.

More than hundred persons have familiarized theirselves with exposition devoted to Smolensk region. Among them were heads of diplomatic corpses of foreign states from Europe, Asia, Africa, members of missions of international organization in the Russian Federation, representatives of foreign business community, foreign and Russianmass media.

Gusts have started their acquaintance with Smolensk region from looking of exposition where have been represented informational stands devoted to socioeconomic location of the region, products of JSC «PO Kristall» and stands devoted to Jury Gagarin – the first cosmonaut of the Planet and to forthcoming Smolensk anniversary celebrations. Elizaveta Golovanova - «Miss Russia» has met invited person with hearty welcome, showing that Smolensk region is also land of Russian beauty.

Secretary of state Grigory Krasin – Deputy of Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation by opening of presentation has reminded to audiences that history of Smolensk region is rooted in epoch of formation of Russian national identity.

Deputy of Minister has also paid attention to numerous unique monuments of nature, history, culture that are placed on territory of the region, this fact makes it very attractive for tourists.

«Today Smolensk region is a fast developing subject of the Russian Federation. Its convenient geographical position creates all conditions for successive widening of external economic and international exchanges that are realizing with 90 countries for the moment. During last years the region ranks among subjects with the minimal investment risk», – said Grigory Krasin.

In his speech Governor Sergey Antufiev has told about history of region, its unique natural and cultural resources and famous countrymen. He also has mentioned the fact that rates of economic growth in Smolensk region exceed average parameters in Russia.

Vice Governor Sergey Gurenkov has also informed participants of presentation about touristic potential of the region.

Presented exposition has attracted a real interest by Russian and foreign guests. Presentation has shown that Smolensk region is a fast developing subject successfully using in its development unique heritage and experience.

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