Regional committee – 1812

Regional committee – 1812

The Governor Sergey Antufiev has initiated a regular meeting devoted to the celebration activities of 200 years anniversary since the victory of Russia in the Patriotic war 1812.

In his opening speech Sergey Antufiev has stressed that Smolensk has played a special, significant role in the defeat of the Napoleonic army. It is here in the territory of Smolensk province the war 1812 has become Patriotic. A whole number of battles have played a decisive role in the future victory over Napoleon. Among them there are Smolensk battle and battles near Vyazma and Dorogobuzh, fierce November fighting near Krasny. After such battles «the great army» stopped its being as an organized one. The last battle with Frenchmen took place near Krasny village, the enemy was defeated. That is why it is natural that the anniversary celebration in Smolensk region should be organized at high level.

The Head of the Department of culture Jury Gerasev has informed the members of the committee about course of events of the long-term regional target program «Organizational works devoted to the 200 years of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic war 1812» in Smolensk region in 2012.


The Governor Sergey Antufiev has initiated a regular meeting devoted to the celebration activities of 200 years anniversary since the victory of Russia in the Patriotic war 1812.

In his opening speech Sergey Antufiev has stressed that Smolensk has played a special, significant role in the defeat of the Napoleonic army. It is here in the territory of Smolensk province the war 1812 has become Patriotic. A whole number of battles have played a decisive role in the future victory over Napoleon. Among them there are Smolensk battle and battles near Vyazma and Dorogobuzh, fierce November fighting near Krasny. After such battles «the great army» stopped its being as an organized one. The last battle with Frenchmen took place near Krasny village, the enemy was defeated. That is why it is natural that the anniversary celebration in Smolensk region should be organized at high level.

The Head of the Department of culture Jury Gerasev has informed the members of the committee about course of events of the long-term regional target program «Organizational works devoted to the 200 years of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic war 1812» in Smolensk region in 2012.

The program consists of events proper – use oriented to monuments, soldier’s burial places, memorial places of glory of the Patriotic war 1812, being kept informed about events, connected with celebration of 200 years anniversary since the victory of Russia, interest rise of tourists to our heroic region. In 2012 the whole ranges of activities have been already made in the field of the program. On the 28-th of February an exhibition «Two eagles» has started working in the Historical museum, devoted to the events of the Patriotic war in the territory of Smolensk province. The exhibition has attracted great participant’s interest. The exhibition will take participants the whole year round.

On the 21-22-nd of March the IV All-Russian scientific conference «1812: War and peace» held on in Smolensk and Krasny village. A record number of participants took part in it. 11 DPhil and 26 candidates of science took part in the conference. Five participants of the conference – descendants of the heroes of the Patriotic war 1812. Julia Vasilievna Khitrovo, great great granddaughter of Field-Marshal M.I. Kutuzov, was an honorable member of the conference. In April two mobile exhibitions «Two eagles» were delivered to municipal districts. Due to this the townsmen got an opportunity to get acquainted with interesting and unique exhibits up to the end of 2012.

In April –August it is planned to organize festivals of choreographic and vocal art «Noble ball» and «Not in vain the whole Russia remembers…». Gala-concert of the festival laureates will be held on 2 August in Krasny village within the scope of inauguration of the Heroes monument devoted to the battles near Krasny 1812.

In 2012 restoration of the monuments located of the Patriotic war 1812 located in Smolensk region will go on. Such monuments as «To Pernovsky polk» and «To the participants of the battles near Vyazma» in Vyazma are planned to be restored. The monument «To the heroic defenders of Smolensk in 1812» in Smolensk and obelisk in the place of battle of Cossacks under M.I. Platov command with French troops on 27 June 1812 in In’kovo village of Smolensk district are to be restored also.

In August it is planned to organize military and historic reconstructions of battles of the Patriotic war 1812 with participation of military and historical clubs of Russia, Belarus and other countries. Besides, on 5 August it is planned to organize a festival of military and historic reconstruction in Smolensk.

The heads of administrations of Smolensk city, Sychevky, Vyazemsky, Krasninsky, Kardymovsky and Dorogobuzhsky districts have made their reports about preparation works for celebration of anniversary date. One of the issues of the agenda was organization of cross procession with the Icon of the Mother of God Virgin Hodigitria.

The committee has approved a calendar plan of principal activities for celebration of 200 years anniversary of Russia in the Patriotic war 1812 in Smolensk.

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