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Coordination Council on frontier policy

Coordination Council on frontier policy

The Governor deputy Alexey Murygin has initiated a meeting of the Coordination Council on frontier policy at the Administration of Smolensk region.

In 2011 the competent authorities paid great attention to the law and order in the frontier districts of Smolensk region to the Republic of Belarus. The mentioned activity was put into practice in the network of complex joint preventive and frontier operations «Granitsa», «Nelegal’ny migrant», «Mak», «Kanal» and others.

For example, during the joint operation «Kanal-2011» 53 narcocrimes and 55 administrative infringements of law were revealed, among them more than 4,7 kg of drugs were confiscated from trafficking, 15 units of firearms, 13 units of rifled barrels, more than 200 units of ammunition, and also material valuables to the amount of more than 850 thousand rubles.


The Governor deputy Alexey Murygin has initiated a meeting of the Coordination Council on frontier policy at the Administration of Smolensk region.

In 2011 the competent authorities paid great attention to the law and order in the frontier districts of Smolensk region to the Republic of Belarus. The mentioned activity was put into practice in the network of complex joint preventive and frontier operations «Granitsa», «Nelegal’ny migrant», «Mak», «Kanal» and others.

For example, during the joint operation «Kanal-2011» 53 narcocrimes and 55 administrative infringements of law were revealed, among them more than 4,7 kg of drugs were confiscated from trafficking, 15 units of firearms, 13 units of rifled barrels, more than 200 units of ammunition, and also material valuables to the amount of more than 850 thousand rubles.

In accordance with inter-agency plans in 2011 the law enforcement authorities of the region pursued 192 preventive measures in the highway Moscow-Minsk and 36 – in the highway Moscow-Ivatsevichi. 5349 vehicles were verified, 48 807 foreign citizens were identified, 71 administrative infractions were revealed. Besides, 202 international long-distance trains were inspected. 155 criminal cases were complained against illegal crossing of the RF State border according to part 1. art. 322 of the Criminal Code of the RF as to foreign citizens and 63 criminal cases according to part 2 art. 322 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as to 137 foreign citizens.

The frontier cooperation with competent authorities of the Republic of Belarus is developing now. The interacting parties organize regular meetings, preventive operations, special training, exchange of information.

At the same time the region has no specialized data base of law-enforcement agencies and other concerned ones with around-the-clock-work for such purposes as person identification involved in contraband, illegal drug trafficking and other crimes of transfrontier direction.

The information resources have departmental subordination, relationships arising in the exercise of the right to search, acquisition, transfer, production and information distribution, use of information technologies and information proofing are regulated by the Government Resolution dated 03.11.1994 № 1233 and the Federal law dated 27.07.2006 № 149-ФЗ «About information, information technologies and information proofing». According to the item 4 art. 10 of the Federal law the reporting is done in order provided by agreement of the participants. Bilateral agreements between Ministry of Internal Affaires and Federal Security Service, Ministry of Internal Affaires and Federal Drug Control Service, Ministry of Internal Affaires and Federal Tax Service, Ministry of Internal Affaires and General Prosecutor are examples of the inter-agency cooperation including furnishing information availability with use of legal remote access. In virtue of the federal agreements similar regional agreements are developed and signed.

To improve the effectiveness of counter-contraband operations and other crimes of cross-border direction the Coordination Council decided to work at legal basis of access to specialized departmental data bank and making of inter-agency data bank of facts and persons involved in the illegal across-the-border activity.

Besides, it is decided to create a working group from the interested authorities to consider logistical issues of access to the specialized departmental data banks to develop concrete mechanisms of its use.

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