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Consular agency of the Republic of Poland in Smolensk

Consular agency of the Republic of Poland in Smolensk

Consular agency of the Republic of Polandwas opened in Smolensk on Mira street and this fact became one more step in realization of double-sided agreements between Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Consular agency will lend assistance by issue of a visa.

Bogdan Zdorevskiy - Minister of culture and national heritage of Poland, Michael Kurkov – first Deputy of Governor and Olga Okuneva chief federal inspector participated in the solemn ceremony of opening.

Katarzhyna Pelchinska-Nalench – Deputy of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland noted that natives of Smolensk will have now an opportunity to obtain a visa in new consular agency for travels in Poland. There is no more necessity to go for visa in Moscow.


Consular agency of the Republic of Polandwas opened in Smolensk on Mira street and this fact became one more step in realization of double-sided agreements between Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Consular agency will lend assistance by issue of a visa.

Bogdan Zdorevskiy - Minister of culture and national heritage of Poland, Michael Kurkov – first Deputy of Governor and Olga Okuneva chief federal inspector participated in the solemn ceremony of opening.

Katarzhyna Pelchinska-Nalench – Deputy of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland noted that natives of Smolensk will have now an opportunity to obtain a visa in new consular agency for travels in Poland. There is no more necessity to go for visa in Moscow. «This establishment will also render assistance to Polish tourists. In addition it has special mission – looking after memorable places for Poles: memorial «Katyn'» and monument that is planed to be placed on spot of plane crash. Agency is also intending to help local Polish organizations and assist them by advancement of Polish business in Russia,consolidate interrelations between Russian and Poland. The main task of agencies is open Poland for Russians and make more understandably modern Russia for Poles», – accented Deputy of Minister. According to her opinion, growths interest of our citizens to Poland and Poles to Russia steadily. That is the reason why consular agencies were opened in some Russian cities.

Michael Kurkov noted by his side: «Today we open not only doors of consular agency but also new landmark in relations between our countries. I am sure it helps to consolidate more effective economic and cultural collaboration between the Russian Federation and the Republic Poland».

Polish side thanked Administration of Smolensk region for timely assistance in selection of room for diplomatic institute.

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