The Governor deputy Alexey Gurenkov took part in the opening of the international touristic forum «Russian Tourism Roadshow-2012». During the whole week at first in Berlin then in Paris and London the events devoted to promotion of touristic capacities of the Russian regions organized by Federal tourism agency will be held.
Besides Smolensk the representatives from Moscow, Kostroma, Tambov, Vladimir and Ryazan’ have presented their tourist potential.
The deputy Governor Alexey Gurenkov has noted a beneficial geographic location of the region with the best federal route and transit railways from Moscow to the west. Not by chance answering the question of the moderator as to branding Alexey Gurenkov called Smolensk region «western gates of Russia».
Smolenskis rich in attractive places such as closely guarded natural reserves, in the first place – national park «Smolenskoe Poozer’e» and the Holy Dormition Cathedral, where the present Patriarch of Moscow and All-Russia Kirill celebrated the divine services. Here there is a distinguished sacred objectc – the Icon of Smolensk Mother of God «The Virgin Hodigitria». The Smolensk fortress – is one of the longest constructions in the world. The museum of Yury Gagarin and the Museum of the Museum of the First flight (created last year). So Smolensk should be called a City of museums. But there is a Museum of sculpture named after Sergey Konenkov. Such names as Griboedov, Nakhimov, Przhevalsky, Michail Glinka… are related to Smolensk. The last has stimulated to the organization of the International music festival.
«Kristall» - one of the largest producer of diamonds in Russia and it is also attractive for tourist industry.
Thereby a flow of tourists to the Smolensk region has been dynamically growing from year to year, as investment in this sphere. Alexey Gurenkov has mentioned about investment project «Vazuza-park» for Space Park in the territory. It should be noted that an interregional route «To the origins of Ancient Russia» is a result of cooperation with Novgorod and Pskov regions.
In the near future a railway express will be launched. It will afford to cut down a way from Moscow from five and a half hours to two and a half hours. It is easy to get to Smolensk from Berlin both by car and railway. The areas for caravaneries are developed.
But the event calendar, of course, is not full. The celebration of 1150 years in September 2013 in Smolensk will be held during the whole week. By this date the information tours will be organized. The participants of the forum «Russian Tourism Roadshow-2012» have already got personal invitations from vice-governor.