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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Medvedev has signed a Decree «About preterm termination of the Governor of Smolensk region». Alexey Ostrovskiy was appointed ad interim by the same Decree.


Dmitry Medvedev has signed a Decree «About preterm termination of the Governor of Smolensk region». Alexey Ostrovskiy was appointed ad interim by the same Decree.

Full text of the Decree:

In connection with the application of the Governor of Smolensk region Antufiev S.V. about early termination of his duties and in accordance with subitem «в» of the item 1 of the article 19 of the Federal law dated 6 October 1999 № 184 «About common principles of organization of legislative and executive organs of state power of regions of the Russian Federation» I decree:

1. To accept resignation of the Governor of Smolensk region Antufiev S.V. by own free will.

2. To appoint Ostrovskiy Alexey Vladimirovich the Governor of Smolensk region ad interim until one takes the office of the Governor of Smolensk region.

3. The present Decree comes into force since the day of its signing

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