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International tourist forum «To the origins of Russia»

International tourist forum «To the origins of Russia»

The International tourist forum «To the origins of Russia», timed to the Year of Russian history, will be organized in Smolensk on 21-22 May. 

The key activities this and next year will be:

  • 1150 years of the Russian state system origin;
  • 200 years of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic war 1812;
  • 1150 years since the birth day of Izborsk;
  • 1150 years since the birth day of Smolensk.

The International tourist forum «To the origins of Russia», timed to the Year of Russian history, will be organized in Smolensk on 21-22 May. 

The key activities this and next year will be:

  • 1150 years of the Russian state system origin;
  • 200 years of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic war 1812;
  • 1150 years since the birth day of Izborsk;
  • 1150 years since the birth day of Smolensk.

The key purposes of the Forum are promotion of tourist potential of the regions of the Russian Federation within the scope of the anniversary celebrations, creation of its positive tourist image in the world and domestic tourist markets and international cooperation in the field of tourism.

The agenda of the Forum provides a plenary meeting and round work table meetings («Development of domestic and entry tourism in advance of the anniversary celebrations», «Promotion of domestic regional tourist product in the Russian and international markets», «International cooperation in the field of tourism»), presentation of international tourist route «To the origins of Russia», presentation of Russian league of auto tourists within the scope of the international tour of auto tourists «VizitRussia».

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