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Hockey players from Smolensk accept congratulations

Hockey players from Smolensk accept congratulations

Alexey Ostrovskiy - Governor of Smolensk region ad interim has met leaders, trainer stuff and players of hockey club «Slavutich» that has won title of champion of the Russian Hockey League.

Professional hockey club «Slavutich» was founded in August 2010.  During season 2010-2011 team had the main task to reach play-off stage. And this goal was reached successfully. Already in season 2011-2012 leaders of hockey club have issued a challenge to players to compose in top four hockey clubs (from 14 teams) and find a lodgment through three teams following the results of play-off stage. It has managed to players to realize high-flying planes. Young team «Slavutich» has become status of very serious, daring rival just for two years. It combines in its way of play acute struggle, aggressive and power fight with an intellectual play in defense.


Alexey Ostrovskiy - Governor of Smolensk region ad interim has met leaders, trainer stuff and players of hockey club «Slavutich» that has won title of champion of the Russian Hockey League.

Professional hockey club «Slavutich» was founded in August 2010.  During season 2010-2011 team had the main task to reach play-off stage. And this goal was reached successfully. Already in season 2011-2012 leaders of hockey club have issued a challenge to players to compose in top four hockey clubs (from 14 teams) and find a lodgment through three teams following the results of play-off stage. It has managed to players to realize high-flying planes. Young team «Slavutich» has become status of very serious, daring rival just for two years. It combines in its way of play acute struggle, aggressive and power fight with an intellectual play in defense.

From the 17-th up to the 22-th April in Voronezh has been held Final of the Russian Hockey League. The strongest three teams were invited from divisions «West» and «East». And following the results hockey club «Slavutich» was the first and has become the Champion of Russian Hockey League. That is phenomenal achievement in history of team sports of Smolensk region. It is worthwhile to say that rivals of hockey club «Slavutich» on play-off stage were regional professional teams with strong hockey traditions and budgets that exceed means of Smolensk club manyfold.

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