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  • Alexey Ostrovskiy has entered upon duties of Governor of Smolensk region

Alexey Ostrovskiy has entered upon duties of Governor of Smolensk region

Alexey Ostrovskiy has entered upon duties of Governor of Smolensk region

On the 26-th of April has taken place the 55-th extraordinary meeting of Smolensk regional Duma devoted to the granting of power of attorney of Governor of Smolensk region. Dmitry Medvedev – President of the Russian Federation has appealed with such kind of initiative to the regional legislators.

According with regulation, Oleg Govorun - authorized representative of President of the Russian Federation in Central Federal district has proposed Alexey Ostrovskiy to deputy corps and guests. Alexey Ostrovskiy has been characterized as an experienced professional candidate that is able to defend the interests of natives of Smolensk region and to face challenges.

Alexey Ostrovskiy has spoken with a focus on necessity of an improvement of the effectiveness of on-budget expenditures, agricultural development and attraction of investments. All this goals are realizable in case of resting on local professional personnel: «Dear colleagues and natives of the region, I will not give you overstated promises. I will just work and solve key problems of this region».   


On the 26-th of April has taken place the 55-th extraordinary meeting of Smolensk regional Duma devoted to the granting of power of attorney of Governor of Smolensk region. Dmitry Medvedev – President of the Russian Federation has appealed with such kind of initiative to the regional legislators.

According with regulation, Oleg Govorun - authorized representative of President of the Russian Federation in Central Federal district has proposed Alexey Ostrovskiy to deputy corps and guests. Alexey Ostrovskiy has been characterized as an experienced professional candidate that is able to defend the interests of natives of Smolensk region and to face challenges.

Alexey Ostrovskiy has spoken with a focus on necessity of an improvement of the effectiveness of on-budget expenditures, agricultural development and attraction of investments. All this goals are realizable in case of resting on local professional personnel: «Dear colleagues and natives of the region, I will not give you overstated promises. I will just work and solve key problems of this region».    

In consequence ofvote by secret ballot Alexey Ostrovskiy has been supported by 44 deputies that have been presented on sitting.

After that, in accordance with current legislation has taken place the solemn ceremony of Governor's inauguration. Alexey Vladimirovich Ostrovskiy has made oath and has entered upon duties of the Governor of Smolensk region officially.

In his speech, already in new status he has expressed sincere thanks for placed confidence and support to Dmitry Medvedev - President of the Russian Federation and to deputies of Smolensk regional Duma: «Thank you for your unanimous consent and giving me an opportunity to deal with development of Smolensk region, and to give new life to our region and to give people belief in authority and in their future. I hope for your assistance, your ideas and help by realization of my intentions concerning stabilization of domestic-policy system and economical revival of the region».

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